Post List

January & February 2023

  1. WordPress - Add a custom menu item to the WordPress admin menu, for a user with administrator capability - Using WordPress Plugin development
  2. Laravel - Create new Project from Specific Version - Create Laravel Project for Version 6.X
  3. Composer require runs out of memory. PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted
  4. How to resolve laravel ui in Laravel Framework 7.29.3
  5. How to fix - git@ github .com permission denied (publickey). fatal could not read from remote repository and Support for password authentication was removed. Please use a personal access token instead - Git: How to solve Permission denied (public key) error when using Git - Fix "Permission denied (public key)" error when pushing with Git
  6. How to Use .gitconfig 's includeIf - Git 2.13 conditional config on windows - git set username and email for separate project - Is it possible to have different Git configuration for different projects?
  7. Few Tools That I Badly Need In My Daily Life

November & December 2022

  1. Rollback or Commit with PDO transaction using PHP and MySQL - SELECT query with PDO - PDO with INSERT INTO through prepared statements
  2. PHP & MySQL PDO: PDO binding values for MySQL IN statement - Bind an array to an IN() condition?
  3. Where can I find the MySQL log file in XAMPP - Activate logs in Xampp-Mysql
  4. Free Map Integration - Leaflet.js with OpenStreetMap tiles - Display multiple point locations as map markers - Plot multiple points on Map view - Display multiple point locations as map markers
  5. MapBox Implementation of Map: How to plot multiple points on MapBox using a for each statement - multiple points with exactly the same location using MapBox
  6. How to export some rows of a MySQL table using WHERE clause - Selectively dumping data with mysqldump feature - MySQL export few rows from selected table as SQL file
  7. How to Drop Decimal Places Without Rounding, How to Round a Number to N Decimal Places in Java, Java – How to round double / float value to 2 decimal places, We can use DecimalFormat('0.00') or BigDecimal to round float / double to 2 decimal places.

October 2022

  1. How to use static content / resource files in app root directory in grails
  2. Laravel Blade @include .html files | Laravel Blade Highlight Change Tags when use AngularJS along with Laravel
  3. Grails on Groovy - join tables using createAlias with additional condition along with sql on condition for additional filter of data
  4. MySQL casting from decimal to string - mysql cast to varchar - mysql convert decimal to string char varchar
  5. How to convert result table to JSON Array or JSON Object or JSON String in MySQL
  6. Java - Always Name Your Thread Pools - Naming threads and thread-pools of ExecutorService - set name of thread
  7. MySQL "Group By" and "Order By"

September 2022

  1. Tracking of Stackoverflow Exception from Grails / Gradle Project - Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
  2. Add resources and config files to your JAR using Gradle Build for Grails Application
  3. How To Use Gradients in Flutter with BoxDecoration and GradientAppBar
  4. Create Script To Copy Files From One Folder To Another On Windows 10 - Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder
  5. Web Views Open Website URL in Flutter Example & Output
  6. Flutter Multiple Styles in Single Line: Use RichText & TextSpan

October 2021

  1. Grails 4 - how to attach domain entity manually to session and marked as readonly mode in hibernate session
  2. Flutter Popup Menu Button Example Tutorial
  3. Flutter Date Picker - Customization of date picker with color and font size - dive into date picker
  4. Grails saves datetime as UTC time, but reads it as local server time
  5. Grails 4: How to load datasource configuration from external file in grails 4 In Grails, how do I put my DB username and password in an external property file
  6. Get Android API level of phone currently running my application
  7. Grails 4: How to add Java JAR files to Grails project | How to add an external library or JAR file that is not a grails plugin to the Grails project
  8. MySQL Drop All Tables At a Glance - For Speed Up Development
  9. Flutter - design application with scrollbar enabled body with fixed header and footer | Header, Footer And Scrollable Body | How to create a scroll view with fixed footer with Flutter

September 2021

  1. GRAILS 4 - how to disable deepvalidate in grails globally | Add ability to control cascading validation independently
  2. Flutter – How to limit keyboard to allow digits only - How to Make TextField Number only in Flutter - Digits Only Input Keyboard in Flutter – Only Numbers on Text Field - How to Create Number Inputfield in Flutter
  3. Flutter - Fetch data from the internet | Network Request | Fetch and display the data with Flutter | Networking in Flutter using the http package | How to point to localhost:8000 with the Dart http package in Flutter
  4. Set up App Loading or Progress indicator using dialog box in Flutter
  5. AlertDialog with a TextField in Flutter as Well as All type of fields | Flutter Custom Dialog using Widget

March 2021

  1. Laravel Mix: Configure Babel for IE11 compatibility (transformations and polyfills)

December 2020

  1. Handle click outside of React component | ReactJS Component Detect Click Outside Listener of HTML Element
  2. SweetAlert 2 - Option to not focus previous element | Focus another input element rather then previous focused element

October 2020

  1. Grails on Groovy - Clear and Flush Current Hibernate Session Data and Evict All Query Cache Data | Clearing Hibernate Query Cache in Grails

July 2020

  1. How to remove build files before another new build start on Laravel-Mix Webpack config file | Delete unused laravel chunk files | Clean dist folder before generating a new build - Laravel with ReactJS

April 2020

  1. How to save Username and Password in GIT Bash
  2. Firebase Authentication for Web - Sign-in Method Email/Password Implementation

March 2020

  1. Laravel-mix Webpack Public Path | Set custom path for chunk files | Using Laravel Mix with webpack for All Your Assets
  2. React Component on Window Resize Event
  3. Lazy Loading React Components (with react.lazy and suspense)

February 2020

  1. ReactJS Create React Modal Open Popup Using reactjs-popup Dependency
  2. How to write a simple React plugin, publish it to npm, and deploy it to Github pages
  3. MySQL Count the number of occurrences / number of existance of a string in a text field
  4. PHP - Encryption and Decryption of Large Files with OpenSSL
  5. ReactJS Call Methods / Functions Between Component And Layout
  6. How to Install MySQL on Windows
  7. PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt
  8. CSS Aligning Last Item to the Bottom of a Container Using Flex Attribute
  9. MySQL Installation With Error: Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package (x64) is not installed. Latest binary compatible version will be installed if agreed to resolve this requirement.
  10. Windows Command Prompt - Change the default Command Prompt directory
  11. Laravel Migrations with MySQL 8.0.x - How to resolve the error: SQL authentication method unknown in Laravel-MySql

January 2020

  1. bootstrap-datepicker with React: onChange doesn't fire while onClick does
  2. Using Google Place Autocomplete API in React
  3. Request Mocking In Grails For Back-end/Background Threads | Mock Request With Session
  4. ReactJS - You tried to redirect to the same route you're currently on

December 2019

  1. How to access a DOM element in React? What is the equilvalent of document.getElementById() in React | ReactJS access HTML Element Node Reference
  2. Laravel Custom Data Validation | Validate Request Data And Return Appropriate Error Message
  3. ReactJS - Preventing Form Submission
  4. ReactJS - Multiple Layout In React Using React Router | Using multiple layouts for react-router components
  5. Laravel 5 | Start Session Manually | Dynamically Set Session Id on Creating Session | Extending the StartSession Middleware | Session Handler Extending
  6. Htaccess | what does $1 in .htaccess file mean | Check if file exists in subdirectory
  7. Implementing Programically Redirect With React Router | React redirect to component | Redirect with React Router

November 2019

  1. Git Bash | Changing a remote's URL | How to Change a Git Remote's URL | How Save Username/Password/Credentials For Git Repository in Git Bash
  2. ReactJS Render HTML string as real HTML in a React component
  3. Install Express.js web application framework for Node.js with SockeIO
  4. How to configure virtual host for Laravel on Linux
  5. My Favorite Sea Foods Tuna Coral Rupchada FlyingFish Crab Lobstar Salmon Lakka Hilsa

September 2019

  1. Download All Photos From Google Photos | Download Your Data - All Google Data At A Time | Download Google Data As Archive

June 2019

  1. JavaScript | JQuery | Check if a variable is type of String | Number | Null | Undefined | Array | Object
  2. Crop and Resize Images Using (Mouse Or Touch Capable) With This Simple jQuery Plugin

May 2019

  1. How to deal with big numbers in javascript | Extremely large numbers in javascript | Large Number Addition in JavaScript | How to deal with extremly big numbers in javascript
  2. jQuery Resize and Compress Image
  3. jQuery convert PDF to Images Page by Page using pdfjsLib from Mozilla Foundation

March 2019

  1. ReactJS > Load Different Component Based on Different Conditions
  2. Install ReactJS along with Laravel 5.X
  3. Install ReactJS on Windows using NPM with help of NODEJS
  4. How to install Laravel 5 with Xampp (Windows)

February 2019

  1. Online CSV Viewer
  2. WordPress | Customizing Taxonomies as Dropdowns in Quick Edit | Display a custom taxonomy as a dropdown on the quick edit posts page
  3. Proper way to use WordPress function with AJAX PHP file
  4. WordPress | Dynamically reference WordPress site URL in JavaScript | WordPress path url in js script file
  5. WordPress Plugin: How To Create A Custom Taxonomy In WordPress like Category | Manually Creating Custom Taxonomies
  6. WordPress | Disable posts auto saving
  7. WordPress | Automatically Insert Content After Each WordPress Post or Page
  8. Wordpress create table on Plugin activation if not exists
  10. GRAILS : Rendering Groovy GSP Code From A String | Grails – Rendering a Template from a String | Render Grails template from external source
  11. Try catch not working Laravel raw queries | How to properly catch PHP exceptions (Laravel 5.X) | Why try catch not work in Laravel
  12. Laravel 5 Check if request is ajax request | Ajax request validation
  13. Getting url() in a Command returns http://localhost | URL generated in a queue - localhost returned | URL in jobs only return localhost | URL problem with queued jobs
  14. Using custom monolog handlers in Laravel
  15. How to pass data to all views in Laravel 5 | Sharing Data Between Views Using Laravel View Composers | Laravel 5.3 - Sharing $user variable in all views | Passing data to all views | View Composer to pass variable to all views | Passing $variables to multiple views
  16. Laravel :: Getting url() in a Command returns http://localhost | URL problem with queued jobs | Url helper functions that are relative to application url config | Localhost url problems
  17. Override setGlobalTo of Laravel Mailer| Laravel Message Sending listener | Laravel Mail Sending Listener | How to create Event for Mail sending in Laravel 5
  18. Laravel, get last insert id using Eloquent | laravel 5.2 get insert id from eloquent model | Get Last Inserted ID With Example
  19. Middleware when running Artisan console request

December 2018

  1. Generate a Report using Crystal Reports in Visual Studio 2015, C# Crystal Reports without database, C# Crystal Reports with Sub Report, C# Crystal Reports using DataSet and DataTable, C# Crystal Reports using Strongly Typed DataSet
  2. Android How to create Buttons of equal width in a row on any Screen width | How to implement linearlayout with 2 buttons, Horizontal and Vertical | Set two buttons to same width regardless of screen size

November 2018

  1. Wkhtmltopdf Characters in single line partially cut between pages

October 2018

  1. Android: ActionBar (Top Title Bar) with Custom View (Using Custom Layout as App Title) Example with Top Navigation View Example
  2. Android: Get linearLayout (Any layout file from layout folder by name) and add to current Layout
  3. Android Activity as a dialog popup box
  4. Android: Last line of textview getting cut off / getting hide some parts of text view in LinearLayout
  5. Google Drive REST API V3 > Root listing > Google Drive REST API V3 Getting Root Folder Id > List of Files & Folders From Root Directory
  6. Java HttpURLConnection | HttpsURLConnection > Implement Pause / Resume in File Downloading > How to Extract Chunked Data When Using HttpURLConnection > Download File as Chunk
  7. Google Drive REST API V3 > Upload / Insert / Create Files Into Google Drive
  8. Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration

September 2018

  1. Android studio 3.X does not render xml file due to java class missing
  2. Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration
  3. Portable GIT > A way to access Git without installing it on Windows
  4. Extract the contents from an .ISO file without burning the .ISO to disc using third party application

August 2018

  1. Setting Up Recaptcha 2.0 with JavaScript and PHP
  2. Grails on Groovy > Way in Grails to Eager Fetch the Whole Record | Load Related Entity With Single Query

July 2018

  1. Grails on Groovy > GORM dirty checking of instance and properties > grails - tell me if anything is dirty > Checking for Dirty (Updated) Properties on a Grails Domain
  2. Grails on Groovy over Java > Email Address Validation Using Regex
  3. Java > Convert text content to Image > Using Java Create An Image And Save To File With Transparent Background

June 2018

  1. When do I need to call this method Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook() > Java.lang.Runtime.addShutdownHook(Thread hook) Method > Java Shutdown hook – Runtime.addShutdownHook() > Grails on Groovy: Add a ShutdownHook > Runtime: addShutdownHook(Thread hook)
  2. How to pass parameters / arguments to your PHP script via the command line
  3. Header only retrieval in php via curl | PHP CURL get content type from URL | PHP CURL retrieve headers information from URL
  4. jQuery AJAX fetch only headers and decide wheather to get the content | Use jQuery to send a HEAD request with AJAX and get the size of a file | Getting response headers data from an AJAX request with javascript
  5. Get URL and URL Parts in JavaScript | Get an Absolute URL with JavaScript | How to get the exact href value only without their domain | How to check if any Link is for some specific domain | Link attribute HOST > PATHNAME > Filter links by domain | host name
  6. A regex to match a substring that isn't followed by a certain other substring > Find Any Word Not Followed by a Specific Word > Regex Negative Lookbehind
  7. Grails on Groovy > Invalidate Session > Error Handling - Session already invalidated
  8. Grails on Groovy > Grails Filter to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS > Redirecting WWW to Root with Grails > Grails Append Something to URL before Redirect > URL Modification On Grails Filters
  9. Grails on Groovy > Transform Collection / List to a Map with collectEntries > Get Map From Array List > Convert List To Corresponding Map Entity
  10. Grails on Groovy > Transactions > Transaction Block > Read Only Transactions > With New Transaction > Transactions With Read Only Stage
  11. Grails on Groovy > Create Criteria > Create Alias > Grails Create Alias > Create Alias With Additional Criteria
  12. How to handle HTTP 403 forbidden error in Java
  13. Grails on Groovy > Bind Metamethod of Hibernate Criteria Builder > Create Custom Function / Custom Method Under HibernateCriteriaBuilder > HibernateCriteriaBuilder Meta Method
  14. jQuery UI Dialog > Disable Auto Focus > Prevent jQuery UI Dialog From Setting Focus To First Textbox > Disable Auto Focus Of First Input Box > Prevent Auto Scroll To Top Of Dialog Box
  15. BEGENING OF CSS > TABLE WITH SCROLLBAR AND FIXED HEADER POSITION > How to make Scrollable Table with fixed headers using CSS
  16. Grails on Groovy > Changing default id name and type from an entity > Custom ID field > Custom ID field value generate algorithm
  17. Grails on Groovy > Grails 2.X > How is the invocation sequence of Grails filters defined | Sequence of Filter Execution
  18. Grails on Groovy > Grails 2 > How to know programmatically if a view or a layout file exists in grails | Check if view or layout file exists
  19. Grails on Groovy | From within a grails HQL, how would I use a MySQL / Oracle Native Function | HQL Query use MySQL Native Functions | Register Functions for MySQL Native Support
  20. MySQL find_in_set Sith Multiple Search String | MySQL Variable With Multiple Values | MySQL Use of REGEXP | Search IN With Multiple Values
  22. $(window).width() AND $(window).outerWidth() excluding the scrollbar width > Window and viewport width in CSS and Javascript
  23. MySQL > Create Function > Call MySQL Function > Execution MySQL Function > MysQL Show Listed Functions

May 2018

  1. JQuery Custom Popup Example
  2. JQuery TreeView Example And Stylish Select DropDown

April 2018

  1. Grails on Groovy > @Transactional does not rollback on checked exceptions
  2. Extending from Laravel 5 core - SqlServerConnection | Extending The Connection Class In Laravel
  3. How to get current time in milliseconds in PHP | Converting microtime() to milliseconds/seconds
  4. Using PHP's glob() function to find files in a directory | Filter files in directory | Regex filter files in directory
  5. Can a PHP script execute common code before exit() | register_shutdown_function | PHP execute a piece of code before process terminated by exit() or die() method
  6. How to Make Async Requests in PHP | Methods for synchronous processes in PHP | Making synchronous function call in PHP | Make sure same function will not execute parallel

March 2018

  1. jquery select first x number of elements | Selecting the first “n” items with jQuery
  2. What's the best way to retry an AJAX request on failure using jQuery | The best way to retry an AJAX request on failure using jQuery | jQuery AJAX retry

February 2018

  1. git: Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged - how to throw away local commits

January 2018

  1. How to create and download a csv file from php script | PHP : Array To CSV - Download CSV File | Creating downloadable CSV files using PHP
  2. How to revert a merge commit that's already pushed to remote branch | Revert a merge after being pushed | Undo a git merge that has been pushed to the server | Git HowTo: revert a commit already pushed to a remote repository
  3. Using Chrome's Element Inspector in Print Preview Mode | Is it possible in chrome to make the browser look like a print page | Inspect and Edit Pages and Styles As Print Mode
  4. Print the contents of specific DIV using javascript | jQuery Print Specific div Content demo | How to print selected div instead complete page JQuery | Print specific element using jquery | jQuery Plugin To Print Any Part Of Your Page - Print | Printing selective DOM elements on a page
  5. XERO Private Application | XERO Connect Using Private Application Java | Java to Connect to XERO Private Application
  6. XERO API Integration | XERO Public API Integration | XERO Connect Through Public API
  7. Regex Domain Name Validation | Regex URL Validation
  8. JQuery | Resizable Table Example | Table Column Resizing | Resizable Table Columns Using jQuery UI | Resizable table columns with jQuery
  9. Get Latest Record In Each MySQL Group | How to select the first/least/max row per group in SQL | Select max, min, last row for each group in SQL without a subquery | MySQL - How To Get Top N Rows per Each Group

December 2017

  1. PHP Round up to specific number | Round to nearest number | Round to next multiple of number
  2. URL Redirect: Redirecting From of an iFrame
  3. Get Latest Record In Each MySQL Group
  4. Get code line and file name that's executing processing the current function in PHP
  5. Regex For Parse Html Tags
  6. Grails on Groovy: Get Retrieve MySQL Database name from DataSource | Get List of MySQL Tables | Execute MySQL Raw Query
  7. MYSQL Group Concat Select Some Selected Rows Only | Use Sort In Group Concat | Sort MySQL Rows in Group Concat
  8. Mysql GROUP_CONCAT of first n rows || Selecting first and last values in a group || Select first and last row from group_concat when grouping sortable days
  9. PHP Call Static Function Method Dynamically Based on __callStatic Method
  10. GRAILS GROOVY | GString Template Engine | Parse Simple String AS GString Template | String GSP Parser
  11. jQuery.noConflict() | Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries
  12. Load jQuery with Javascript and use jQuery | Load jQuery dynamically
  13. GIT | View Changed Details For Files By Commits | View List Of Files Changed During Different Commits
  14. MySQL Table Create Index Remove Index List Index | Primary Indexing | Unique Indexing | Field Indexing | FullText Indexing
  15. MYSQL : SQL For Create Table Example

November 2017

  1. MYSQL Backup Database Using Command Line | MYSQL Import / Restore Database Using Command Line
  2. Simple try & catch TagLib | Tag Library for Grails GSP views
  3. Grails Groovy Sample DataSource Configuration For Database Connection
  4. Grails Groovy Use Groovy Source Class As Singleton Bean | Custom Bean Definition | Transactional Bean
  5. Query UI Tabs: Changing selected tab | Remembering Active Tab in JQuery UI Tabs | Select last tab by default on Page load, jQuery Ui Tabs | how to set a tab active in jQuery ui tab on page load | Set Jquery ui active tab on page load/reload
  6. JQuery Load Javascript Dynamically | Dynamic JS Loading
  7. jQuery DataTable Example
  8. Finding the IP Number and MAC Address of a Network Card
  9. JQuery Custom Checkbox Example | Checkbox Customization
  10. JQuery form submission dynamically | Dynamic form submission
  11. JavaScript Regex To Match Domain Name | Domain Validator Regex
  12. JQuery JavaScript Select All Text In Content Editable Div
  13. JavaScript Interval Example | SetInterval And ClearInterval
  14. jQuery Number Text Field Validation Using Regex On Input Field
  15. Configuring Grails DDL | Table Configuration | Grails DDL Schema Configuration | Table Schema Structure
  16. JavaScript jQuery Phone Number Validation Using Regex Pattern
  17. JavaScript | jQuery Validate Email Address Using Regex Pattern Check
  18. Java Timer TimerTask Example | Use java.util.Timer to schedule a task to execute every 1 second interval
  19. Java FutureTask Example With ExecutorService | Java Callable Future Example With ExecutorService

October 2017

  1. Callable and Future in Java | Callable vs Runnable | Java Callable Future Example
  2. Java Thread Example by extending Thread class | Java Thread Example by implementing Runnable interface
  3. Grails Link Generator | Generate Links Outside Controllers or Tag Libraries | Using grailsLinkGenerator to generate link | Custom Link Generator
  4. MySQL SUM function in multiple joins | MySQL JOIN with multiple tables and SUMS | Using SUM with multiple joins in mysql
  5. Hooking into GORM events | Hooking into GORM custom event listener from plugin in Grails | Grails Custom Gorm Event Listener
  6. Grails Bind Function | Method For Groovy Page View
  7. Grails How to change logging level in runtime | Grails Set Log Level for Grails
  8. Grails 2.4 Traditional WebSocket Example | Grails Chat Application | Traditional Web Socket Chat Example
  9. Grails - Register SessionListener as a Spring Bean
  10. Grails Custom Projection | Projections Property | Custom Projection Property
  11. Grails Create Criteria | Grails CreateCriteria | Custom Criteria | Custom Criteria Condition
  12. Java HttpsURLConnection and TLS 1.2 | Enable TLS 1.1 and 1.2 for Clients on Java 7 | Enabling TLSv1.2 with HttpsUrlConnection
  13. Stripe Payment API: Create Charge Or Payment Using Java Code
  14. Ensure DirectX 9.0c or higher is installed on your computer | Which version of DirectX is on your PC | Windows - How to check the version of DirectX installed

September 2017

  1. Make nginx to pass hostname of the upstream when reverseproxying How to add a response header on nginx when using proxy_pass | Forward Custom Header from Nginx Reverse Proxy | Nginx request forward | Forward request using Nginx
  2. Nginx Windows: How to Install | How to Install Nginx on Windows
  3. Stripe Payment GateWay | Refund Stripe VIA API | Stripe API Refund Payment
  4. Clear previously set headers php | How to fix “Headers already sent” error in PHP
  5. Stripe Using Connect with Deferred Standard Accounts | Stripe Create Deferred Standard Account | Stripe Create Connected Account Using API Call
  6. Stripe Using Connect with Standard Accounts | Stripe Create Standard Account
  7. The Complete Guide to Creating Symbolic Links | How to create a Symbolic Link on Windows
  8. jQuery Detect when browser receives file download | Detecting the File Download Dialog In the Browser
  9. Finding IP Address of my computer using VBScript | Retrieve Your Computer's IP Address | IP Address and Computer Name VBscript | How to get the IP Address for your Local Area Connection on Windows
  10. jQuery get exact position of element | get exact left top position of jQuery element

August 2017

  1. CLEditor Auto Grow Example
  2. Perfect Scrollbar Example
  3. Grails render view from service | Grails Goodness: Render GSP Views And Templates Outside Controllers | Cannot use the session in non-request rendering operations in grails
  4. Grails Groovy: Execute Code transparent before and after any method is invoked | Override Method Implementation | Override Method Body

July 2017

  1. Laravel 5 | How to create Queue and Run Jobs using worker in Laravel | How to execute a job immediately using Laravel Queue | Job Listener Laravel | Schedule And Execute Job Laravel
  2. How to encode BASE64 via MySQL | MySQL from BASE64 | BASE64 ENCODE AND DECODE IN MySQL | BASE64 encode in MySQL
  3. Grails Groovy SessionFactory EnityKey SessionStatistics | Grails Get SQL Table Name From Domain Class | Grails Get SQL Table Field Name From Domain Class
  4. Grails Groovy Hibernate | Hibernate Criteria Builder | Projection | Custom Projection | Group By Projection | PropertyProjection
  5. Grails | Groovy | Create Criteria | Hibernate Criteria Builder | Custom Criteria Order | Custom Sort By | Custom Order Criteria
  6. Laravel 5 : Get Session Value | Another Session Value | Another Session Instance | Session Instance | HTTP Session | Session Mock | Mock Session | Duplicate Session | SessionManager | StartSession | Session Config | Get Session Config
  7. Laravel 5 Session: Use Multiple Session Same Request | Duplicate Session | Use Value Of Another Session | Value From Another Session | PHP Raw Session
  8. PHP Session: Use Multiple Session Same Request | Duplicate Session | Use Value Of Another Session | Value From Another Session
  9. How can I set a default sort for tables in PHPMyAdmin (i.e. always “Primary key - Descending”) | MySQL - Automatic ordering by ID not working | MySQL sort by a column by default in phpMyAdmin
  10. Grails | Groovy | Hibernate | Query Builder | HibernateCriteriaBuilder | Criteria Builder | Criteria Builder To SQL | Grails Create Criteria To SQL Conversion | Grails Convert Query Builder To MySQL | Criteria Builder SQL Restriction | SQLRestriction | Grails SQL Restriction
  11. How to change collation of database, table, column | Alter charset and collation in all columns in all tables in MySQL | MySQL Collation - Setting Character Sets and Collations in MySQL
  12. PayWay Payment GateWay | Hosted Payment Page Setup | PayWay Hosted Payment | Hosted Payment
  13. BrainTree Payment API | Get Payment | Retrieve Payment | Get Payment Details
  14. BrainTree Payment API | Create Refund | Refund Payment
  15. BrainTree API | Create Payment | Create Payment Using Credit Card | Credit Card Payment
  16. BrainTree API | Create Payment | Create Payment Using Stored Token | Token Payment
  17. BrainTree: Create Payment Token | Store Credit Card Details | Create Customer | Create Credit Card Token | Create Payment Method
  18. Strip HTML Entities | Remove HTML Tags From String | Stripping HTML Tags in Java | Remove Html Tags From String Using Java | Java: RegEx To Remove HTML Tags
  19. Laravel 5: Get Controller Name in View | Route Details | Controller & Action Name | Route Parameters
  20. Laravel 5: Logging All DB Query | Log Queries | Listen Query Events | Query Logging | Sql Logging | Log SQL | DB Connection Class | Laravel Database Connection | Laravel DB Connection Query Run Method
  21. VBScript: Task Scheduler in Windows | Task On Startup
  22. Laravel 5: Get Service Instance In Controller Dynamically | Get Service Instance In Service Dynamically
  23. PHPStorm: Open Project Using Command Line Using VBScript | Open Directory Using Command Line Using VBScript

June 2017

  1. Laravel 5: Change Default Database connection Dynamically | Change database name of connection on the fly | How to change default database connection in controller | Multiple DB Connections | Specifying DB connection information dynamically instead of config key | How to Use Multiple Database Connections in Laravel Application
  2. Laravel 5: How to set and get config variable in Controller | Use of Application Config in Controller
  3. How to select two additional columns from another table based on values in the base table
  4. Laravel 5: Fluent Query Builder Join with subquery
  5. How create json format with group-concat mysql | How to put JSON into a column data if sub-query returns more than 1 row in MySQL | Optimized way of getting subqueries at once using JSON
  6. Laravel 5: How to modify Request values | How to "artificially" add values to Request array | How to dynamically add params to Request array
  7. Validating a URL in PHP
  8. Set floating div to height: 100% | Div as Table | Responsive Table | Table Table-Row Table-Cell | Table Div
  9. PHP Class for HTTP Response Status Codes
  10. PHP: Import variables into the current symbol table from an array
  11. Laravel 5: Generate a URL to a controller action
  12. Laravel 5: Use of Laravel Middleware WEB | API | THROTTLE
  13. Laravel 5: How to Select from Sub-query using Laravel Query Builder
  14. Laravel 5.X: How Do I Get Raw SQL Query As String With Binders From Query Builder | Query Builder To Raw SQL
  15. Laravel 5.X: Use of SubQuery | Sub Query in Where Condition
  16. Responsive CSS: Responsive Table Data Representation
  17. Laravel 5:Redirect back to the same page where the request comes from with input and messages
  18. MySQL Update Table Using Join Of Other Tables | MySQL Join Table On Update
  19. JavaScript | jQuery: Manual Ajax Form Submit Using XMLHttpRequest | XMLHttpRequest to Post HTML Form | Upload File Ajax | Submit FormData
  20. VBScript: Execute Script Using Command Prompt | Execute Script Using Batch File Processing
  21. Laravel 5.X Forward To URL | Redirect To Route | Forward Request | Mock Request | Mock HTTP Request | Dynamic HTTP Request | Laravel Dispatch Request
  22. MySQL Trigger | MySQL Before Insert Trigger | MySQL Before Update Trigger
  23. How to Handle Laravel 5.X Exceptions
  24. Laravel 5.X: Access HTTP Session From Controller | Service
  25. Laravel 5.X: Access HTTP Request From Controller | Service
  26. Instagram: How to get images using Instagram API
  27. How to Upload Photo to Instagram with a Web Browser
  28. MySQL UPDATE with SUBQUERY of same table
  29. GIT: Create and push a new local branch to a remote Git repository and tracking information
  30. MySQL Insert with While Loop | Use LOOP variable for INSERT in MySQL | INSERT using a procedure variable
  31. Laravel 5.X Authentication Custom User Providers
  32. PayWay Rest API: Create Refund From PayWay Payment
  33. PayWay Rest API: Create Payment Using Stored Credit Card Token
  34. PayWay Rest API: Create Customer Create Token
  35. PayWay Rest API: Create Credit Card Payment
  36. PayWay Rest API: Check if Rest API credentials are valid
  37. Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
  38. PHP Tag Lib: PHP Custom Tag Library (TagLib)
  39. jQuery Script: Remove next element by class name

May 2017

  1. PHP Script: Call Method Dynamically
  2. PHP Script: Define Variable Dynamically
  3. How to PHP call another page and get output as variable?
  4. Git Merge Working Branch With Remove Branch
  5. Stripe Payment API: Create Charge Or Payment
  6. Stripe Payment API: Create Get Edit Delete Customer
  7. Stripe Payment API: Create Token Using Credit Card Details
  8. PHP Script - detect whether running under Linux or Windows?
  9. PHP Encrypt Data With OpenSSL Public Key And Decrypt With OpenSSL Private Key
  10. Simple PHP encrypt and decrypt Using AES-256-CBC Algorithm
  11. Get last word from URL after a slash in PHP (
  12. PHP - Sign Request Data With OpenSSL Private Key Pair
  13. How to sign string as well sign request body with public key using Java
  14. Half Round Shape SVG Example
  15. Install Composer as Portable on Windows
  16. Growl Notification Example Web Application
  17. AngularJS How to call controller function from outside of controller component
  18. jQuery UI Popup Dialog Simple Example
  19. How to add header/footer to multipage pdf on Laravel SnappyPDF WkHtmlToPdf
  20. Responsive CSS - It's Begining
  21. Cakephp 3.X Get Database Table Columns From Model
  22. CakePHP 3.X Get Database Table Name From Model
  23. CakePHP 3.X Sub Query Example
  24. PHP Calculate Percentage Value Which Includes In Amount Reverse Way
  25. PHP + MySQL transactions examples
  27. PHP explode at capital letters
  28. jQuery Nice Select Plugin with Position And OptGroup Support
  29. Connect to MYOB Api Using Php Application
  30. Create Contact in Xero Via API using PHP
  31. How to safely escape invalid XML characters
  32. Connect to Xero Private Application Using Php Application
  33. Create public/private key pair using OAuth RSA-SHA1 method on Windows with OpenSSL

April 2017

  1. jQuery UI Sortable and Draggable NOT working on iPad, iPhone or Android
  2. Generate PDF in CakePHP 3.x with CakePDF And DomPDF
  3. Generate PDFs in Laravel 5.x with Snappy & Wkhtmltopdf
  4. Generate PDF in CakePHP 3.x with CakePDF And Wkhtmltopdf
  5. Get the Referer URL in CakePHP 3.X
  6. How to get complete current URL for Cakephp 3.x
  7. How to remove a package from Laravel using composer?
  8. 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command
  9. Laravel DOM-PDF include custom font
  10. Laravel 5.x Install DOM-PDF
  11. Radar Charh with multiple value axis - amCharts
  12. Git Bash Inside PhpStorm

March 2017

  1. Copy text value to clipboard using jQuery
  2. How to Paginate Data With PHP
  3. How can I determine whether an entity already exists in the Hibernate session cache
  4. Manage Database Transactions in Laravel
  5. Escape raw SQL queries in Laravel
  6. How to Install CakePHP in XAMPP
  7. Illegal mix of collations for operation 'UNION'
  8. MySQL: Create view from two tables with different column names

February 2017

  1. A simple guide to using Traits in Laravel 5
  2. Http Redirect Using Laravel
  3. Get Current URL Using Laravel
  4. Create Thubmnail / Image From Each Page of a PDF Using Java
  5. VBScript Take Input From User
  6. VBScript Create Rar File With Password Protection Using WinRar.exe
  7. VBScript Open Another Program And Wait Until Closed
  8. VBScript Lunch Program Using Shell Execute
  9. VBScript Launch programs whose path contains spaces
  10. Pass old input/ get old input from view after Form Request validation in laravel
  11. Laravel join or left join queries AS different name
  12. jQuery extend prototype
  13. How to get the query executed in Laravel
  14. How to get the current URL inside @if statement (blade) in Laravel
  15. Laravel adnance query builder using and or conditions
  16. Laravel where in example query | Laravel query builder | Query Builder Component
  17. Raw Queries in Laravel | Get Sql Query And Bindings From Laravel Eloquent Query Builder | Execute Raw Query With Parameters
  18. Laravel group concat operation
  19. Simple Laravel Layouts using Blade
  20. Laravel throw/return custom exception/response
  21. VBScript Empty Recycle Bin
  22. VBScript Delete All Files And SubFolders
  23. Resize command prompt through commands
  24. VBScript Show Details Of a File, Copy, Delete And Move
  25. VBScript Open URL in Default Browser
  26. VBScript List And Details Of Local Drives
  27. VBScript Execute Ping
  28. VBScript Append text to text file if it already exists
  29. Windows CMD, Clear All Browsers Cache & Everything
  30. VBScript Clear Google Chrome Cache, History & Everything
  31. VBScript MySql connection
  32. Install and Create MySQL ODBC Connector on Windows 7
  33. VBScript Get a List of the ODBC Drivers
  34. Windows - How to terminate process using VBScript
  35. VBScript Get List Of Running Processes And Executable Path
  36. VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished
  37. VBScript: How to Automatically Restart MySQL Server
  38. How can I delete only PDF File from a folder using VBS

January 2017

  1. MySQL increment row value dynamically
  2. How to download files from command line in Windows, like Wget
  3. Windows Batch Script to create new MySQL database and import
  4. Windows Batch Script to backup local MySQL database
  5. DateTime Picker · Bootstrap
  6. List all timeZones in SQL Format
  7. php - Send ics calendar invite using Swift Mailer
  8. Implement Redirect Interceptor For All Http Call - Angular JS
  9. Abort / Cancel jQuery Ajax Request Example
  10. Send Calendar invite using Php & SwiftMailer

December 2016

  1. TinyMCE Get Word Counts Using jQuery
  2. Simple TineMCE Editor Example With jQuery
  3. How to insert an item into an array at a specific index javascript
  4. Create GUID / UUID in JavaScript
  5. jQuery Check if element is visible after scrolling
  6. jQuery detect when user stops scrolling
  7. Java Send Email Using Office 365 OAuth Connection
  8. Start watch form field change listener - Angular JS
  9. Send Email Using Google OAuth & Java
  10. Decoding UTF-8 email subject
  11. How to convert Map / Object to Bytes and save to internal storage and read back
  12. Capture text pasted into / cut from a text field with JQuery
  13. Send email with attachment which contains byte[] via java mail
  14. Log / Track / Lookup every request & response in Laravel
  15. Adding Desktop Notifications to Your Web Applications
  16. Rendering text to html with Angular JS
  17. Add remove required validation in angular dynamically in angular js
  18. Angularjs Focus Specific Error Input On Form Submit
  19. Simple Chat Application Using PHP & WebSocket
  20. PHP Sort Multidimensional array with key value
  21. Simple Loading Overlay Example
  22. Make A Real-Time Chat Room using Node Js Server and
  23. First HTTP Server in Node.js
  24. Google Chrome - Clear Cache for Specific Website
  25. Angularjs: Calling a function when ng-repeat has finished

November 2016

  1. JavaScript noUiSlider Example
  2. NetBeans IDE: Create Maven Project With Spring MVC Framework & Tomcat Server
  3. Java: Reading Email & Attachments From Different Email Server Using Javamail API
  4. How to add custom validation to an AngularJS form field
  5. Send email using Php & Outlook / Office 365 using Oauth connection
  6. Php read email & attachments from google using oauth
  7. Write a PHP app to get/read Outlook Office 365 mail using oauth connection
  8. Java read email from google using oauth2 and parse email
  9. Php send email using google oauth
  10. Php parse email body & attachments received from google account by oauth2
  11. Stylish CSS3 Loader
  12. Angular-js infinity scroll to load more data on window or other element scrolling
  13. jQuery get params from url
  14. GIT: Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote
  15. GIT: How to show changed made on files on branch by commit
  16. Git, see list of latest commits
  17. GIT: How to show the changes on specific commit
  18. Git list all commits for a specific file
  19. Git - fatal: Unable to create '/path/my_project/.git/index.lock': File exists
  20. Untrack files from git using git bash
  21. Php determine if date string is a valid date in that format
  22. Git commit single or multiple files
  23. Git clone with user name and password
  24. Git: How to checkout a file from another git branch
  25. Grails get retrieve GrailsParameterMap params from service class or util class
  26. Reload refresh current url or redirect to another url using php script
  27. Grails Hibernate check if and object is initialized
  28. Hooking into or extends the GormStaticApi methods of the GORM API for Grails
  29. Hooking into or extends the GormInstanceApi methods of the GORM API for Grails
  30. Get caller class name from inherited static method using java
  31. Cannot change column used in a foreign key constraint
  32. Alter all table of a mysql database using java
  33. How to pass the entire model to a template in Grails
  34. java - JDBC connection error : unrecognized timezone
  35. Grails send email using grails.plugin.mail.MailService and track unique message ID
  36. Angularjs ajax get or post method example from controller
  37. Not receiving Google OAuth refresh token
  38. List of google apps connected to my google account
  39. Using OAuth 2.0 for Google Client-side Web Applications

October 2016

  1. Grails application: Create an common structure for domain class as artifact for common functionality when create new domain class
  2. Get all columns from all MySQL tables
  3. How to reset a particular form field using jQuery

September 2016

  1. File Change Listener Implementation Using Java
  2. MySQL list all foreign key and other constraint names
  3. Python parse xml
  4. An educational story according to workers & managers in an organization

August 2016

  1. Common tasks to increase internet speed on windows
  2. Groovy call a closure with parameters
  3. Grails track hibernate transaction begin, flush, commit and rollback status
  4. Hibernate evict an persistent object from hibernate session
  5. Salesforce PDF Viewer with custom PDF page

July 2016

  1. Salesforce : DML currently not allowed
  2. Parse JSON in Salesforce
  3. Git: comparing remote branches, different between two remote branches
  4. Salesforce :: Can not add Visual Force page to Custom button
  5. Salesforce create custom controller
  6. Show HTML string as an HTML output instead of plain text in Salesforce Visaul Force page
  7. How to make a post or get request to some other server from apex class

June 2016

  1. Java Convert File Into Bytes (Array of Bytes)
  2. Java code to compress & decompress of string using deflater & inflater
  3. Bangladesh Air Force Museum

May 2016

  1. Grails create read only service

April 2016

  1. Convert Time Between Two Timezone Using Java

February 2016

  1. Java Clone/Copy InputStream

January 2016

  1. Convert Exception Details To String Using Java

December 2015

  1. Grails Error Handling With Custom Http Status Code
  2. Java Code To Check Repeated Character In String

October 2015

  1. Using a CASE Statement/If Condition in HQL select query
  2. HQL Use MySQL Functions By Implementing Custom Dialect

September 2015

  1. Myob Cloud Integration: Use Filter In Myob Integration

August 2015

  1. Grails Get/Use Http Session In Service Or Util Class
  2. Grails :: How To Override g Message Tag

July 2015

  1. Grails Add New Resources To MessageSource Dynamically

June 2015

  1. HOW TO Fix Google Chrome Updates "Disabled By Administrator"
  2. Android: Update GUI field vlaue/display or show a message (toast) from Thread
  3. Java Implementation of String Next Sequence
  4. Validate URL Using Java & Regex

May 2015

  1. Received fatal alert: unexpected_message
  2. Make A Copy Of A Pdf File Using Java
  3. Concat Or Join Or Add Two Or More Pdf File To One Pdf FIle Using Java & Lowagie
  4. Java Create Watermark Text Or Fill Area To An Image
  5. Convert RGB Values Of A Color To A Hexadecimal String And Vice Versa Using jQuery
  6. Create Zip File Using Java From List Of Files
  7. Using Java Create An Image And Save To File
  8. jQuery get an elements position or offset according to some parent element

January 2015

  1. eWay Shared Rapid Payment Using PHP
  2. Php & MySql oAuth2 Server & Client Example

December 2014

  1. jQuery rounding number to nearest, flooring or ceiling as expected decimal point
  2. jQuery Rounding Number To Nearest Interval Such: 0.05, 0.5, 0.1, 5, 10, 100

November 2014

  1. Spring MVC custom body tag library example
  2. Spring MVC simple custom tag library example

October 2014

  2. Grails Create Or Change Database Connection Manually Or Run-time | Using multiple data-sources in a Grails project | Grails Multiple Data Sources | Grails multi tenant data-sources
  3. Using Java Send Email Using Smtp Server(Html, Attachment, Embedded Image)
  4. GRAILS Database Data To XML File
  5. Read & Construct CSV File Using Java Code
  6. Java Code for Calculating HMAC-SHA1 & HMAC-SHA256 Signature

September 2014

  1. GRAILS Render Or Display XML In Browser
  2. GRAILS Custom Codec Example
  3. Spring MVC - Custom Exception Handling & Send Appropriate Error Code
  4. Access Spring-ApplicationContext/ServletContext From Everywhere
  5. Spring MVC with ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping MultiActionController
  6. Spring MVC Framework Global Layout Used To Be Template
  7. Spring MVC with ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping

August 2014

  1. Python: Generate XML From Dictionary Or List
  2. Python Read & Write Csv Files
  3. Python send plain/html email with attachment using smtp
  4. Cross-platform way of working with python temporary file and directory
  5. Parse xml with namespace and store data to data dictionary - Python

July 2014

  1. Quick Guide to Using MySQL in Python
  2. Check Null Value Using Python
  3. Install python on windows 7
  4. Java: Convert Map/List to JSON Using google-gson
  5. Php & MySql oAuth Server & Client Example
  6. Audio Record Using Java
  7. Php, convert time between two timezones
  8. Grails default version=false to all domain classes
  9. Request Mocking In Grails For Back-end/Background Threads
  10. Strict Standards: Non-static method Configure::getInstance() should not be called

June 2014

  1. Grails get bean/service from service or other class
  2. Encrypt & Decrypt String Useing AES Algorithm & jQuery
  3. Java Formatting Price/Number According To Country/Currency
  4. Java: Rounding Number To Nearest Interval Such: 0.05, 0.5, 0.1, 5, 10, 100
  5. MySql Convert String to Date

May 2014

  1. Display Hibernate Sql Parameter Values
  2. Java Replace Camel Case String With Another String In That Place
  3. Java Regex to convert string to ascii code and ascii code to string back
  4. Hibernate HQL CRUD Example
  5. Annotating Composite Custom Types in Hibernate
  6. Setting default value for fields in Grails Domain Class
  7. Convert Map, HashMap or List/ArrayList to XML and reverse
  8. Logging Hibernate SQL in Grails With Parameters
  9. Annotating Custom Types in Hibernate
  10. Hibernate Interceptor Example
  11. Iterate over each Entry in HashMap in Java Or loop Map to remove Entries
  12. Getting All Field Names and their corresponding values using Java Reflection
  13. Java Custom Annotations Example

April 2014

  1. Create Payment Using PayPal Api
  2. Create Refund Using PayPal Api

March 2014

  1. Using php get GMT time by changing server timezone
  2. Create/edit crn for nab transact
  3. Create view and update environment variables in windows os
  4. Overloading or Extending standard GORM CRUD methods
  5. jQuery get browser and os details
  6. Native Fullscreen JavaScript/jQuery API
  7. Use transients domain attributes with Grails
  8. Html element content change event
  9. jQuery remove and restore element events

February 2014

  1. Binding a Grails date from params in a controller
  2. jQuery Change Event: Proper Binding
  3. Groovy template engine
  4. Check the validity of an HTML5 form that does not contain a submit button
  5. Hooking into GORM custom event listener from plugin in Grails
  6. Accessing i18n Messages from exception (validation errors) in Grails in a Service
  7. timezone get list, time zone id, time zone name, time offset using java
  8. Get list of all country with iso3 and code from locale using java
  9. Use grails service from java class
  10. Get gmt time and gmt diferrence using jQuery
  11. Place auto complete address form using google api and jQuery
  12. Secure pay xml api credit card payment

January 2014

  1. PHP replace char with Unicode value inside string
  2. eWay xml and direct payment url, account and credit card details
  3. Setup Spring framework with Eclipse IDE and create first application
  4. Html5 & jQuery form validation and get all error at a time
  5. Using php download a temporary file
  6. Using java copy array using copyOf
  7. Grails, finding available views (.gsp's) at runtime

December 2013

  1. Hibernate/grails left join or inner join when using create criteria
  2. SOAP request in PHP with CURL
  3. Grails withNewSession
  4. Grails access HttpSession from service or from other src files
  5. Convert string to ascii and ascii to string using JAVA
  6. Base64 encode/decode with JAVA
  7. Checking if an element is hidden with jQuery
  8. Change i18n locale from a controller before calling the view
  9. Reading i18n messages from the database with Grails
  10. How to Set up a Foreign Key Constraint in MySQL
  11. Getting Request , Response & ServletContext in the Grails service class
  12. POSTing json data with php cURL
  13. mysql date format
  14. Avoid ConcurrentModificationException when using an Java Iterator
  15. Removing invalid characters from XML

November 2013

  1. Get day diferrence between two dates using JAVA
  2. First day of next month with java Time
  3. java convert regular expression into string
  4. Java generate sequence of random characters or numbers or strings
  5. java convert number to word (text)
  6. grails deleted object would be re-saved by cascade error
  7. Test Credit Card Account Numbers
  8. Token or crn xml payment using NAB
  9. Create/edit token/crn for NAB transact
  10. how to replace all characters in a java string
  11. Java - Replace all non digits with an empty character in a string
  12. Validate credit card and get card type by java code
  13. Merge two hashmap by multiple keys using java
  14. How to send DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection java

October 2013

  1. Transactions in Grails to roll back inconsistent data
  2. Sort an ArrayList base on multiple attributes using java/grails
  3. Grails/GORM createCriteria.list to get specific/selected columns only
  4. Grails get post/put raw request body
  5. Grails GORM constrained properties: check if a domain attributes properties mapping
  6. Duplicated records/data persistence/flush session error with Grails in synchronized method
  7. Grails GORM creating foreign key on runtime
  8. Grails: renaming foreign keys constraints
  9. Registering new bean classes in grails application programmatically by registerBeanDefinition
  10. The Grails Hibernate Dynamica/On Fly CriteriaBuilder
  11. Groovy Goodness: Sorting a List of Map by specific Key
  12. Grails and dynamic controller names in UrlMappings
  13. Java: Reflecting to Get All Classes in a Package, check and invoke method dynamically
  14. Grails Groovy dynamically invokeMethod with empty/single/multi parameters
  15. Grails validate email address
  16. Grails Hibernate - null id in entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)
  17. Grails domain class: unique constraint for multiple columns
  18. Grails pagination on a ArrayList
  19. Grails: get class object by string/class name

September 2013

  1. [Java/Grails] Class ConstrainedProperty
  2. Grails: how to get/set a meta-constraint on domain class property such as belongsTo or other variables
  3. Groovy Check If Method or Property is Available
  4. PHP Custom Error Handling
  5. HTTP Status Codes Handling and Htaccess ErrorDocuments
  6. Grails access settings under conf directory in BuildConfig.groovy
  7. Grails Access Config.groovy settings in BuildConfig.groovy
  8. Java - String/Regex matches() for Starts With/Ends With/Contains Check
  9. Build xml using java code from hashmap
  10. Access Grails Application in BootStrap
  11. Grails Controller allow Declarative Exception Handling with Filters
  12. Getting Started with Grails and MySQL database
  13. Parse XML using java and store data in HashMap recursively
  14. How to parse JSON in Java
  15. How to run a local plugin in Grails
  16. HTTP RAW URL Address Encode in Java as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  17. Convert A String (like testing123) To Binary In Java
  18. Redirect your site to https and www using htaccess
  19. Speed up a web site by enabling Apache file gzip compression
  20. Compressed CSS Compression with php
  21. Leverage browser caching: How To Control Browser Caching with Apache 2 or htaccess
  22. PHP image output and browser caching
  23. Apache Access Log Rotation In AppServ And Xampp
  24. Setup Remote Access Key cPanel Server WHM
  25. Install Jboss 5.1.0.GA to Windows 7
  26. Heap size for JVM - Invalid initial heap size
  27. Concat two different fields in cakephp in find statement
  28. Concatenate/concat/group_concat two columns/rows with MySQL query
  29. MySql cast or convert data(integer, float, double, decimal, date, etc...) as character/string
  30. PayPal IPN/Direct payment with PHP

August 2013

  1. HowTo Format Date For Display or Use In a Shell Script
  2. Call and store response from a url using bash script
  3. How can i add css with !important , only using jquery
  4. Using php execute command/run another php file wihtout waiting for result
  5. Asynchronous cURL Requests
  6. How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery
  7. Downloading a Remote File With cURL and PHP
  8. PHP Script to force download big files using chunk
  9. Save PHP Array Data as Formatted XML and Parse Again
  10. Read an Excel file from PHP
  11. How to parse XML with php code which contains namespace, cdata, ampersand
  12. Php create/edit eWay token for further payment
  13. PHP QR Code Generator Class
  14. PHP Barcode Generator
  15. Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery among two event handler
  16. File upload using ExtJS and Grails
  17. ExtJS add checkbox group to a panel on fly
  18. Jquery/JS prevent right click menu in browsers
  19. Php create a singletone database connection class
  20. CakePHP: Accessing database.php values
  21. Extjs combobox:How to set user selected value as the default selected value
  22. jQuery check a checkbox without firing a change event
  23. Refund transaction using php api using eWay account.
  24. Grails bean/service initialization dynamically to handle circular dependency
  25. Image Data URIs with JavaScript
  26. Image Data URIs with PHP
  27. How to Run PHP Scripts in *.html or *.htm Files

May 2012

  1. Upload file to server using ajax and php
  2. Image crop using jquery and php
  3. Upload Video To Youtube Using Php Script
  4. Direct post integration eway
  5. Paypal direct post integration
  6. Execute Curl to GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE Method Using Php
  7. Create a facebook apps and page tab
  8. Integrate facebook apps with facebook pages

July 2012

  1. Send Email Using CakePhp 2.0.6 and CakeEmail
  2. Change apache port number

September 2012

  1. jQuery change browser url, page content, title wit...

November 2012

  1. ExtJS ComboBox with local store and change action ...
  2. How to find the length of a chinese phrase in a MySQL database with SQL
  3. phpWhois -base class to do whois queries with php
  4. jQuery Back Button (go to previous page)
  5. Get xml from a php webservice url using android
  6. Replace a string in file using shell script
  7. Encrypt a file using bash shell script
  8. Insert arabic word to mysql database using java
  9. Encrypt and decrypt string using AES 128 and PKCS7 algorithm using Php
  10. Encrypt and decrypt string using AES algorithm using Java
  11. Install Qmail and Vpopmail in Linux Server

December 2012

  1. Print JEditorPane content using Java with header a...
  2. Java: Reading and writing text files
  3. Finding real body height using jQuery
  4. Java: iterate through HashMap
  5. Run Bash Script Using Java And Get Debug And Error...
  6. Height of tab (JTabbedPane) in MAC
  7. Move all files except one
  8. Put a.txt -file to the end of b.txt -file
  9. Check if a program exists from a bash script
  10. Resize a list of images in line command
  11. How to output MySQL query results in csv format
  12. How to do something with bash when a text line app...
  13. Delete all but the 4 newest directories
  14. Bash One Liner: copy template_*.txt to foo_*.txt
  15. Add or remove month from a date using jQuery
  16. Linux group and permission and owner
  17. Embedding Your SWF in a Web Page
  18. How do I escape single quotes in SQL queries?
  19. Java rounding off a float to two decimal places
  20. Php make zip file
  21. Java check if file exists on remote server using i...
  22. Run Multiple Java Thread
  23. Execute shell commands in PHP
  24. How to know that a string starts/ends with a speci...
  25. How to download and save a file from url using Jav...
  26. jQuery Tabs Tutorial

January 2013

  1. A find condition about hasMany(has many) relations...
  2. stop a page from exit or unload using jquery
  3. convert string to input stream(InputStream) using ...
  4. Cakephp delete and update records by conditions
  5. jQuery post call using ajax
  6. CKEDITOR instances and operations by jQuery
  7. Jquery call function, name taken from a string
  8. PHP filter with preg_replace allow only letters an...
  9. Round to a certain number of places using jQuery

February 2013

  1. use multiple database in one cakephp project
  2. online code beautifier
  3. simple class for calling a url using either curl o...
  4. restarting and reloading name server zone files
  5. validating fqdn url email hostname using java regu...
  6. shell script echo new line to file
  7. How to tell if a string is not defined in a bash s...
  8. How To Manually Create Zone Files For Domain Names...
  9. gapi.class.php gapi class for google analytics dat...
  10. google analytics api call using php
  11. validate domain name using php regex
  12. all country list sql query
  13. cpanel class for access cpanel data using php
  14. cakephp cpanel api component and controller
  15. jquery color picker
  16. php get file list from location ends or start with...
  17. Find size of file behind download link with jquery...
  18. Remove horizontal and vertical scrollbar from face...
  19. get file size by jquery before upload
  20. php array delete by value (not key)
  21. View print cakephp generated mysql query

March 2013

  1. jquery find element contains text
  2. cakephp get client ip address
  3. php authentication basic username and password
  4. Sending a username and password with PHP file_get_...
  5. How to find if an array contains a specific string...

April 2013

  1. Get document root path using yii application
  2. CGridView a CLinkColumn with sortable header using...
  3. Create and download csv file from array using php
  4. Php check a value exists in multi level array and ...
  5. Read and parse csv file using php code
  6. Android custom dialog example
  7. Php making a soap based server with basic authenti...
  8. How to use multiple databases dynamically for one ...
  9. Php making a soap based wsdl server
  10. Android, show list of items and bind click on list...
  11. how to make second layout xml file in android with...
  12. Pass arguments or data from one activity class to ...
  13. Android Writing your own Content provider
  14. Listing all the folders subfolders and files in a ...
  15. cURL in PHP to access HTTPS (SSL/TLS) protected si...
  16. Use Android’s ContentObserver in Your Code to List...
  17. Android sdk create and update and delete contact
  18. Android how to use ContactsContract to retrieve ph...
  19. How to read android sim contacts and phone contact...
  20. Create an Android Emulator SD Card and Write Data ...
  21. Grails get view.gsp file output to a string variab...
  22. Grails create criteria on model
  23. Convert string to date format java SimpleDaeFormat...
  24. cakephp call controller action from ctp file
  25. Convert string to sha1 using java
  26. Convert string to sha1 using php
  27. How to add Meta Description Tags
  28. Yii throw 404 custom exception
  29. Yii upload image or file to server
  30. YII session control
  31. YII set and get flush message
  32. Sorting with Set::sort() in CakePHP 1.2
  33. YII model with some action perform
  34. Yii model without table
  35. Yii create a new model with common attributes
  36. Login to your site using google account php
  37. Login into your site using facebook account
  38. Check password strength / safety with PHP and Rege...
  39. Get google analytics data using google service acc...
  40. Parse XML using java
  41. Java: convert a string to MD5 encryption
  42. Get Unix timestamp in Java, Python, Erlang, JavaSc...
  43. Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method Using HttpClient
  44. A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line
  45. Render multiple actions (with views) in Yii
  46. Yii Framework - Twiiter Bootstrap TbMenu in Navbar...
  47. Write Java code to crash the java virtual machine
  48. Java Program to find Armstrong numbers - Example C...
  49. How do I call a method before every controller act...
  50. Listing post titles in alphabetical or chronologic...
  51. jquery format date
  52. yii get base url
  53. Display Formatted Value along X and Y Axis of Char...
  54. How to Change MySQL root password on Windows
  55. How to upload the code in via svn
  56. How to use SVN with Google code
  57. yii installation in windows
  58. How to calculate the difference between two dates ...
  59. Getting Dates From Week Numbers in PHP
  60. yii bootstrap install and buttons types
  61. googla analytics api call details
  62. google api chart tools Visualization
  63. Googple api clients scopes for analytics, calender...
  64. Add/modify/delete users to google analytics accoun...
  65. Add a new account to google analytics
  66. Google APIs Console and service account setup
  67. Enable OpenSSL Support for PHP on Windows
  68. Yii customizing the display of url parameters
  69. Remove index.php from url yii
  70. How to enable rewrite module in XAMPP, WAMP and Ap...
  71. ckeditor spellchecker plugin.js
  72. ckeditor spell checking plugin
  73. Enabling Pspell for PHP in XAMPP on Windows
  74. ckeditor jquery javascript php
  75. apache virtual host

May 2013

  1. Java JList scroll to selected item
  2. JTable Scrolling to a specified row index java
  3. A Simple JTable Example Java Code Program
  4. Which function in php validate if the string is va...
  5. YII TbButtonColumn Urlencode() Expects Parameter 1...
  6. Deploying a PHP Application on a Remote Web Server...
  7. Yii - How to print SQL used by the application
  8. Check if a port is being used on a Windows machine...
  9. Addition or Substraction of Double Values in Java
  10. Groovy Grails Domain GORM and enum types
  11. Building a J2ME sliding menu with text and images
  12. Where do I put images in J2me application
  13. View contact list using j2me
  14. Get event click list item in J2ME
  15. ExtJS: HtmlEditor command list
  16. ExtJS: Add font family custom drop down in toolbar...
  17. ExtJS: add button to htmleditor
  18. Yii Examples of Using CDbCriteria
  19. Strip out html tags using php code
  20. Rollback or Commit with PDO transaction using php ...

June 2013

  1. Yahoo Oauth Login Connect Using PHP
  2. Cloudant create view and used indexes to search va...
  3. eWay transaction using php api direct payment
  4. Window open() popup Method
  5. jQuery/Javascript to replace broken images
  6. jQuery event for images loaded
  7. Output or echo an Image in PHP
  8. contentEditable cross browser WYSIWYG
  9. Set caret position right after the inserted elemen...
  10. Preserve text selection in contenteditable while i...
  11. Calling a jQuery plugin's private function in setI...
  12. jquery - Get file path of currently executing Java...
  13. How to get selected(user-highlighted) text in cont...
  14. Editable div using css and html
  15. jQuery textarea append newline behavior
  16. PHP - Redirect and send data via POST
  17. Encrypted Sessions with PHP
  18. Php Session ID, Session Save Path, Session List
  19. Storing a function with jQuery data() method
  20. Overriding Core jQuery Methods
  21. Detecting When DOM Elements Have Been Removed With...
  22. bash split string into array
  23. How to set a BASH variable equal to the output fro...
  24. jQuery render iframe without src and direct html
  25. YII use beforeSave and beforeValidate function as ...
  26. jQuery clear a file input field
  27. Styling CMenu and CMenu items and links with CSS c...
  28. SCRIPT5 Access denied on form submit in IE if file...
  29. YII Get active controller and action name
  30. YII load model dynamically by model name
  31. YII execute delete, update and select custom sql q...
  32. Google visualization charts tooltip formating
  33. Solve PHP Fatal Error: Allowed memory size of 8388...
  34. How to draw a two y axis line chart in google char...
  35. Google analytics php api get social search traffic...
  36. jQuery scroll page to specific location
  37. Google Charts: One Tooltip show values for Entire ...
  38. jQuery plugin base64 encode and decode
  39. jQuery delete a given key from array
  40. jQuery Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries
  41. YII extend the class CGridView CDataColumn
  42. jQuery custom pagination class
  43. YII CGridView with custom action button
  44. YII CGridView with CActiveDataProvider customer li...
  45. How to Change CgridView table class? - Yii Framewo...

July 2013

  1. Java - Call URL And Sending HTTP Parameters Via GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE Method Easily Execute
  2. How to output MySQL query results in csv format
  3. jQuery check if element has a specific style property defined inline
  4. How do I call a Grails service from a gsp
  5. Creating a CKEditor Plugin with a Custom Dialog Window
  6. jQuery Window After Resize Event
  7. CKEditor 4.2 jQuery installation
  8. CKEditor basic table operations plugin
  9. Creating a Simple CKEditor Plugin
  10. Ckeditor : How can i make few tags like div, p, non editable
  11. CKEditor create plugin jquery
  12. Domain Specific Markup Language Php
  13. Php Custom Tag Library
  14. Enable SSL in Apache Server in Windows
  15. Create Self-Signed Certificate Windows
  16. Installing OpenSSL on Windows
  17. How to get exact browser name and version php
  18. Sample .htaccess file
  19. Redirect To SSL Using Apache’s .htaccess
  20. Execute php script before every php script
  21. Password-Protect a Directory With .htaccess
  22. The Six Most Common Htaccess Problems and How to Fix Them
  23. Get form values from extjs form as urlencode
  24. Facebook Canvas Tutorial
  25. Sending emails in php using yahoo smtp
  26. Best way to load (with variables) multiple php files content into a string
  27. Send HTML and TEXT emails with PHP, PHPMailer, Attachments
  28. Config default and customize Font in CKEDITOR
  29. PHP: Recursively convert an object to an array
  30. php preg_replace
  31. How to get the current URL in jQuery
  32. Credit card validation using php
  33. PUTting data fields with PHP cURL
  34. Cloudant built in function for sum count and stats
  35. Cloudant search by indexes and set limit pagination
  36. NAB Xmlapi payment using php
  37. Cakephp get view file content to a variable from controller

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