Showing posts with label installation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label installation. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Install Jboss 5.1.0.GA to Windows 7

Today I am going to show you how to install Jboss 5.1.0.GA on  a Windows 7 machine.
1. First of all download the binaries from
2. The downloaded file is a zip is named As you can see it is a zip archive and not an executable.
3. Create an installation folder (I created one at C:\Program Files\Jboss) and extract the archive there.
4. Add the path to JBoss directory to JBOSS_HOME enviroment variable (picture 1). For me it is C:\Program Files\Jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA

5. Add the path to JDK directory to JAVA_HOME enviroment variable (picture 1). For me it is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31
6. Gongratulations! We are ready! Now to start the application server open a shell window using WinKey + R then type cmd and hit Enter.
7. Type
C:\Program Files\Jboss\jboss-5.1.0.GA\bin\run.bat  -b
Notice the parameter -b! This parameter assures that server isvisible from all computers inside the network.
7. If you want to see if the application server has started correctly, inspect the log output in the shell will it is loading. When the process is finished open a browser and type: http://localhost:8080/web-console/

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Installing OpenSSL on Windows

OpenSSL is officially distributed in C source code format. This is not a problem for Unix systems where C compiler is always available. But if you have a Windows system, you will have a hard time to install OpenSSL in C source code format. What you should do is to find a pre-compiled binary version for Windows. Here is my sugge I installed OpenSSL on my Windows system: 

1. Go to, and download the "Zip" version. 

2. Unzip the file somewhere on your computer. 

3. Copy all the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to your Windows\System32 or xampp/php (if you are using xampp server) directory. If you've dealt with SSL at all before, especially as a developer, you might already have copies of these there. Keep whatever is newest.

4. Open command line window, and try the following command: 
>\local\gnuwin32\bin\openssl -help
openssl:Error: '-help' is an invalid command.

Standard commands
asn1parse      ca             ciphers        crl            crl2pkcs7
dgst           dh             dhparam        dsa            dsaparam
enc            engine         errstr         gendh          gendsa
genrsa         nseq           ocsp           passwd         pkcs12
pkcs7          pkcs8          rand           req            rsa
rsautl         s_client       s_server       s_time         sess_id
smime          speed          spkac          verify         version
5. You'll also need an openssl.cnf which is an OpenSSL configuration file that, for some reason, doesn't come with Hunter's distribution. Download this one or this one or this one or this one and save it to the folder where you unzipped OpenSSL.

If you see the list of commands printed by OpenSSL, you know that your installation is done correctly.

For other tutorials on OpenSSL, see

Good tutorials for beginners on PHP, JSP, ASP, SQL, ... 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

yii installation in windows

  • Download Yii Framework from or here
  • Unpack the Yii release file to a Web-accessible directory.
  • Tip: Yii does not need to be installed under a Web-accessible directory. A Yii application has one entry script which is usually the only file that needs to be exposed to Web users. Other PHP scripts, including those from Yii, should be protected from Web access; otherwise they might be exploited by hackers.
    Yii Web Programming Framework
    Please make sure the release file is unpacked under a Web-accessible
    directory. You shall see the following files and directories:

          demos/               demos
          framework/           framework source files
          requirements/        requirement checker
          CHANGELOG            describing changes in every Yii release
          LICENSE              license of Yii
          README               this file
          UPGRADE              upgrading instructions


    The minimum requirement by Yii is that your Web server supports
    PHP 5.1.0 or above. Yii has been tested with Apache HTTP server
    on Windows and Linux operating systems.

    Please access the following URL to check if your Web server reaches
    the requirements by Yii, assuming "YiiPath" is where Yii is installed:



    Yii comes with a command line tool called "yiic" that can create
    a skeleton Yii application for you to start with.

    On command line, type in the following commands:

            $ cd YiiPath/framework                (Linux)
            cd YiiPath\framework                  (Windows)

            $ ./yiic webapp ../testdrive          (Linux)
            yiic webapp ..\testdrive              (Windows)

    The new Yii application will be created at "YiiPath/testdrive".
    You can access it with the following URL:
