import sys
import tempfile
from XmlToDict import XmlParser
class DictToXml():
def __init__(self, dic):
self.dic = dic;
self.str = "";
self.NEW_LINE = "\n";
self.attr = '<<attr>>';
self.value = '<<value>>';
def toXml(self):
return self.str;
def rx(self, o):
w = 'rootTag'
c = 1;
self.str += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" + self.NEW_LINE;
if type(o) == type([]):
self.rxl(o, w, c);
self.rxd(o, w, c);
def rxd(self, o, w, c):
self.str += self.tb(c - 1) + "<" + w;
for k, o2 in o.iteritems():
if k == self.attr:
for k2, v2 in o2.iteritems():
self.str += " " + k2 + "=\"" + v2 + "\"";
ot = 0
self.str += ">" + self.NEW_LINE;
for k, o2 in o.iteritems():
if k == self.attr:
elif type(o2) == type ([]):
self.rxl(o2, k, c + 1);
ot = ot + 1;
elif k == self.value:
self.str = self.str[:-1]
self.str += str(o2);
elif type(o2) == type ({}):
self.rxd(o2, k, c + 1);
ot = ot + 1;
self.str += self.tb(c) + "<" + k + ">";
self.str += str(o2);
self.str += "</" + k + ">" + str(self.NEW_LINE);
ot = ot + 1
if ot == 0:
self.str += self.tb(0) + "</" + w + ">" + str(self.NEW_LINE);
self.str += self.tb(c - 1) + "</" + w + ">" + str(self.NEW_LINE);
def rxl(self, o, w, c):
for o2 in o:
if type(o2) == type ({}):
self.rxd(o2, w, c);
#self.str += self.NEW_LINE;
elif type(o2) == type ([]):
self.str += self.tb(c - 1) + "<" + w + ">" + self.NEW_LINE;
self.rxl(o2, w, c + 1);
self.str += self.tb(c - 1) + "</" + w + ">" + self.NEW_LINE;
self.str += self.tb(c - 1) + "<" + w + ">";
self.str += str(o2);
self.str += "</" + w + ">" + self.NEW_LINE;
def tb(self, c):
st = "";
for num in range (0, c):
st += str(" ");
return st;
if __name__ == "__main__":
dicobj = {}
listobj = []
list2 = []
for num in range(1, 3):
dicobj['key' + str(num)] = {};
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['otherkey'] = str(num)
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<attr>>'] = {}
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<attr>>']['att1'] = 'att1: ' + str(num);
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<attr>>']['att2'] = 'att2: ' + str(num);
list2.append("LIST: " + str(num));
for num in range(4, 6):
dicobj['key' + str(num)] = {};
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<value>>'] = str(num)
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<attr>>'] = {}
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<attr>>']['att1'] = 'att1: ' + str(num);
dicobj['key' + str(num)]['<<attr>>']['att2'] = 'att2: ' + str(num);
list2.append("LIST: " + str(num));
listobj.append({'nl': 'hmm', 'tl': 'just tl', '<<attr>>': {'att1': 'Att1'}});
dicobj['list'] = listobj
#print dicobj
txml = DictToXml(dicobj).toXml()
# printing xml string generated from data dictionary
print txml
print ''
# saving xml string to a temporary file
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
# parsing the xml file using my XmlParser
xmlObj = XmlParser(;
theXmlDictionary = xmlObj.parse()
# priting the data dictionary as pretty format generated from xml
# again generating xml from data dictionary...
print DictToXml(theXmlDictionary['rootTag']).toXml()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<key2 att2="att2: 2" att1="att1: 2">
<key1 att2="att2: 1" att1="att1: 1">
<list>LIST: 1</list>
<list>LIST: 2</list>
<list>LIST: 4</list>
<list>LIST: 5</list>
<list att1="Att1">
<tl>just tl</tl>
<key5 att2="att2: 5" att1="att1: 5">5</key5>
<key4 att2="att2: 4" att1="att1: 4">4</key4>
rootTag: {
key2: {
<<attr>>: {
att2 : att2: 2
att1 : att1: 2
otherkey : 2
key1: {
<<attr>>: {
att2 : att2: 1
att1 : att1: 1
otherkey : 1
list: [
0. 1
1. 2
2. 4
3. 5
4. {
list: [
0. LIST: 1
1. LIST: 2
2. LIST: 4
3. LIST: 5
5. {
<<attr>>: {
att1 : Att1
tl : just tl
nl : hmm
key5: {
<<attr>>: {
att2 : att2: 5
att1 : att1: 5
<<value>> : 5
key4: {
<<attr>>: {
att2 : att2: 4
att1 : att1: 4
<<value>> : 4
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<key2 att2="att2: 2" att1="att1: 2">
<key1 att2="att2: 1" att1="att1: 1">
<list>LIST: 1</list>
<list>LIST: 2</list>
<list>LIST: 4</list>
<list>LIST: 5</list>
<list att1="Att1">
<tl>just tl</tl>
<key5 att2="att2: 5" att1="att1: 5">5</key5>
<key4 att2="att2: 4" att1="att1: 4">4</key4>