Error handling using .htacces:
Here are some basic rule, use other rules if you need.
ErrorDocument 404 /Subtitle/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 500 /location/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 400 /location/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 401 /location/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 403 /location/php/error-msg.php
And the error-msg.php like this:
Here are some basic rule, use other rules if you need.
if($HttpStatus==200) {
echo "Document has been processed and sent to you.";
} else if($HttpStatus==400) {
echo "Bad HTTP request ";
} else if($HttpStatus==401) {
echo "Unauthorized - Iinvalid password";
} else if($HttpStatus==403) {
echo "Forbidden";
} else if($HttpStatus==500) {
echo "Internal Server Error";
} else if($HttpStatus==418) {
echo "I'm a teapot! - This is a real value, defined in 1998";
} else if($HttpStatus==404) {
echo "Page not found here";
} else {
$HttpStatus = 500;
echo "Internal server Error";
echo "<BR>Status: ".$HttpStatus;
Error Distribute from php file (named: mac_address.php)
If you need to show error like above one, please see below example php code:
/* UnCaught error handler */
/* Error handler function */
function exc_handler(Exception $exception) {
/* Set http status code such 404, 500 etc. */
header("HTTP/1.1 ".$exception->getCode()." ".$exception->getMessage());
* As 'REDIRECT_STATUS' is using in 'error-msg.php' file,
* so we are providing this manually.
* But it will automatically set when come from .htaccess
$_SERVER["REDIRECT_STATUS"] = $exception->getCode();
* Including 'error-msg.php' file.
include './error-msg.php';
* Extentd 'Exception' to my own class 'NotFoundException'
class NotFoundException extends Exception {
public function NotFoundException($message = "Page not found") {
throw new Exception($message, 404);
* Throwing 'NotFoundException'
//throw new NotFoundException();
* Another way to throw exception as bellow, where
* 'Server error' is the message and
* '500' is the error code.
throw new Exception("Server error", 500);
Example output in browser (Custom 500 error using php code):
I wrote the code in mac_address.php to show 500 internal server error.
Example output in browser (404 error using .htaccess):
No file in that location named 'mac.php', .htaccess handling this internally.