Showing posts with label php header. Show all posts
Showing posts with label php header. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

HTTP Status Codes Handling and Htaccess ErrorDocuments

Error handling using .htacces:

Here are some basic rule, use other rules if you need.

ErrorDocument 404 /Subtitle/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 500 /location/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 400 /location/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 401 /location/php/error-msg.php
ErrorDocument 403 /location/php/error-msg.php

And the error-msg.php like this:

Here are some basic rule, use other rules if you need.

  if($HttpStatus==200) {
      echo "Document has been processed and sent to you.";      
  } else if($HttpStatus==400) {
      echo "Bad HTTP request ";      
  } else if($HttpStatus==401) {
      echo "Unauthorized - Iinvalid password";      
  } else if($HttpStatus==403) {
      echo "Forbidden";      
  } else if($HttpStatus==500) {
      echo "Internal Server Error";      
  } else if($HttpStatus==418) {
      echo "I'm a teapot! - This is a real value, defined in 1998";      
  } else if($HttpStatus==404) {
      echo "Page not found here";      
  } else {
      $HttpStatus = 500;
      echo "Internal server Error";
  echo "<BR>Status: ".$HttpStatus;

Error Distribute from php file (named: mac_address.php)

If you need to show error like above one, please see below example php code:

/* UnCaught error handler */

/* Error handler function */
function exc_handler(Exception $exception) {
    /* Set http status code such 404, 500 etc. */
    header("HTTP/1.1 ".$exception->getCode()." ".$exception->getMessage());
     * As 'REDIRECT_STATUS' is using in 'error-msg.php' file,
     * so we are providing this manually.
     * But it will automatically set when come from .htaccess
    $_SERVER["REDIRECT_STATUS"] = $exception->getCode();
     * Including 'error-msg.php' file.
    include './error-msg.php';
 * Extentd 'Exception' to my own class 'NotFoundException'
class NotFoundException extends Exception {
    public function NotFoundException($message = "Page not found") {
        throw new Exception($message, 404);
 * Throwing 'NotFoundException'
//throw new NotFoundException();

 * Another way to throw exception as bellow, where 
 * 'Server error' is the message and
 * '500' is the error code.
throw new Exception("Server error", 500);

Example output in browser (Custom 500 error using php code):

I wrote the code in mac_address.php to show 500 internal server error.

Example output in browser (404 error using .htaccess):

No file in that location named 'mac.php', .htaccess handling this internally.