Sunday, March 14, 2021

Laravel Mix: Configure Babel for IE11 compatibility (transformations and polyfills)

So, basically the problem is with laravel mix (integration between laravel and reactjs) that compiled code of reacjs does not run in ie11 browser. Laravel mix has some gotchas so that ie11 can't run them properly. At this we need go apply some polyfills so that our laravel mix code run on ie11 browser without any issues.
So after google what I did to my project is (a) I installed npm install core-js@3 --save core-js3 into my application. After core-js3 installation done into my application, I created a file named .babelrc file inside my root application as followes

with following content in it:
  "presets": [
        "useBuiltIns": "usage",
        "corejs": {
          "version": 3,
          "proposals": false
        "targets": {
          "ie": "11"
Now run npm run dev and you will find polyfills inserted, arrow functions compiled out etc. - your code may just run on IE11!
I had another problem after above process completed, its said SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'assign'
Same process, after did some googling, I added below javascript link in my project and it's working fine till now:

<script src="">

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Handle click outside of React component | ReactJS Component Detect Click Outside Listener of HTML Element

Handle click outside of React component | ReactJS Component Detect Click Outside Listener of HTML Element

This will be helpful when we need to check click outside event for multiple elements on same component
The first thing you need to know is that you can attach and detach mousedown listeners on the document object itself.
This is how we will attach mousedown listener for our component.
Using this function we will let parent component that some click event triggered out of the element passed to component so parent class can take some action when click outside happened.
And we will get notified when outside click triggered of an specific element.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./styles.css";

class OutsideClickCheckHandler extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.parent = props.parent;
    this.tag = props.tag;
    this.classToCHeck =
      "outside_click_check_handler_" + ++OutsideClickCheckHandler.counter;
    this.setWrapperRef = this.setWrapperRef.bind(this);
    this.handleClickOutside = this.handleClickOutside.bind(this);

  componentDidMount() {
    document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.handleClickOutside);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.handleClickOutside);

  setWrapperRef(node) {
    this.wrapperRef = node;
    if (node !== undefined && node !== null) {

  handleClickOutside(e) {
    if (!"." + this.classToCHeck)) {

  render() {
    return <div ref={this.setWrapperRef}>{this.props.children}</div>;

export default OutsideClickCheckHandler;

if (OutsideClickCheckHandler.counter === undefined) {
  OutsideClickCheckHandler.counter = 0;
This is how will receive notification when outside click triggered
This is how we will use component to detect oustide click of an element, you can set multiple child component from a single component with different tag so that you know which element is clicked outside.
Full example at CodeSandBox.IO

Saturday, December 19, 2020

SweetAlert 2 - Option to not focus previous element | Focus another input element rather then previous focused element

This particular post is to focus any other input rather last focused element/input when sweet alert closed. By default sweet alert focused last focused element when alert closed.
let _this = {};{
    icon: 'error',
    title: 'Oops...',
    text: "Something went wrong",
    didDestroy: function () {
        if(_this.isConfirmed) {
}).then((result) => {
    _this = result;

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Grails on Groovy - Clear and Flush Current Hibernate Session Data and Evict All Query Cache Data | Clearing Hibernate Query Cache in Grails

Hibernate already has support for query cache. And we know that when we perform a big task there are huge number queries remain in our cache factory. And more important that in most cases we don't need this caches so as a result cache factory getting full with unusual cache data.
This could be a performance issue - so it's better we clear cache on our own responsibility after a big task completed.
Below are the procedure to flush and clear current session (hibernate session) data so that cache factory have enough space for further execution.
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
import grails.util.Holders

private static SessionFactory _sessionFactory

static Boolean flushAndClearCache() {
    try {
        return true
    catch (Throwable ex) {
        return false

static <T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType) {
    try {
        return Holders.applicationContext.getBean(requiredType)
    catch (Throwable e) {
        return null

static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
    _sessionFactory = _sessionFactory ?: (_sessionFactory = getBean(SessionFactory))

Sunday, July 12, 2020

How to remove build files before another new build start on Laravel-Mix Webpack config file | Delete unused laravel chunk files | Clean dist folder before generating a new build - Laravel with ReactJS

Since we generate lot of builds with different hashed filenames, it is a good practice to delete the dist directory before running each build.
In laravel-mix webpack.mix.js is the configuration file we used for reactjs webpack configuration. What we have to do write some code to webpack.mix.js (located in based directory of project in my case)
const mix = require('laravel-mix');
const date = (new Date()).getTime();

const fs = require('fs');
const buildDir = './public/js/chunk/';
fs.readdir(path.resolve(buildDir), (err, files) => {
    if (err) {
    else {
        files.forEach(function (file) {
            fs.unlink(path.resolve(buildDir + file), function () {
                console.log(buildDir + file + ' - deleted');

 | Mix Asset Management
 | Mix provides a clean, fluent API for defining some Webpack build steps
 | for your Laravel application. By default, we are compiling the Sass
 | file for the application as well as bundling up all the JS files.

mix.react('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

    output: {
        // Directory for junk files to {ROOT_DIR}/public/js
        chunkFilename: 'js/chunk/[name]-' + date + '.js'

Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to save Username and Password in GIT Bash

First Run Below Command From GIT Bash (Remove --global if you want to save credentials for current project only)

git config --global credential.helper store
Now run below command and provide username/password (which will be remembered)
git pull
Provide a username and password and those details will then be remembered later. The credentials are stored in a file on the disk, with the disk permissions of "just user readable/writable" but still in plaintext.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Firebase Authentication for Web - Sign-in Method Email/Password Implementation

First go to and create a project step by step by following

Step 2: Register your app with Firebase

Go to for enable signin method.

I enabled Email/Password authentication type for this example.

To initialize Firebase in your app, you need to provide your app's Firebase project configuration.

Go to Project Settings page for configure app and get API Key.

Step 3: Add Firebase SDKs and initialize Firebase, we will use CDN to load all necessary resources

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Your web app's Firebase configuration
        var firebaseConfig = {
            apiKey: "AIzaSyA9XqTsdfsdfsdf0w9TSlYSlUlpCLcNjeM",
            authDomain: "",
            databaseURL: "",
            projectId: "test-firebase-auth-1",
            storageBucket: "",
            messagingSenderId: "514502059460",
            appId: "1:51450324232059460:web:70b12cd2342345ee4287f932f091"
        // Initialize Firebase
        var defaultProject = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

You can restrict your API Key to specific domain using below steps:

1. Visit
2. Go to your firebase project
3. Go to Credentials
4. Under API keys, select the Browser key associated with your firebase project (should have the same key as the API key you use to initialize your firebase app.)
5. Under "Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (web sites), simply add the URL of your app.

We are done from configure Firebase.

Now we will build our registration/login page.

Request Sample When User State Changed (Login,Logout,Registration)

defaultProject.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
    if (user) {
        console.log("Logged in user details");

    else {
        window.location.href = "/";

Request Sample to Register User With Email/Password

defaultProject.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
    if (error.message) {

Request Sample to Login Action

defaultProject.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
    if (error.message) {

Password Reset Email Send Request

defaultProject.auth().sendPasswordResetEmail(email).then(function() {
    alert('Password Reset Email Sent!');
}).catch(function(error) {
    if (error.message) {

You can configure password reset URL

You can reset your password using below code snippet

const queryString =;

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);

const code = urlParams.get('oobCode');

defaultProject.auth().confirmPasswordReset(code, "Password-123456").then(function() {
    alert('Password Reset Completed');
}).catch(function(error) {
    if (error.message) {
Finally GibHUB link to the sample project