Monday, April 15, 2013

jquery format date

Getting Started

<script type="text/javascript" src="date.js"></script>

Syntax Overview                    // Returns today's date, with time set to 00:00 (start of day).    // Returns the date of the next Friday.    // Returns the date of the previous Monday.
new Date().next().march()       // Returns the date of the next March.
new Date().last().week()        // Returns the date one week ago.      // Returns true|false if the day-of-week matches.         // Abbreviated day names.    // Month names.         // Abbreviated month names.     // Is today a weekday?         // Add one day (+1).      // Subtract three months (-3).       // Add one (+1) day. Supports all date parts (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, and weeks)   // Subtract three (-3) months.
(1).day().fromNow()             // One (1) day from now. 
(3).months().ago()              // Three (3) months ago.
var n = 6;
n.months().fromNow()            // Six (6) months from now.
Date.monday()                   // Returns Monday of the current week.
Date.mon()                      // Abbreviated version of Date.monday()
Date.march()                    // Returns March 1st of this year.
Date.mar()                      // Abbreviated version of Date.march() // Returns the first Thursday of the current month. Returns the second Thursday of the current month.
Date.march().third().thursday() // Returns the third Thursday in March of the current year.
Date.october().fourth().sunday()// Returns the fourth Sunday in October.   // Returns the fifth Sunday in the current month, or throws a RangeError exception if there are not 5 Sundays in the current month.
Date.october().final().sunday() // Returns the final Sunday in October.
Date.january().first().monday() // Returns the first Monday of the current year.
Date.december().final().friday()// Returns the last Friday of the current year."6:15pm");      // Returns todays date at 6:15pm.
var time = {hour:18, minute:15};;          // Set time with a config object.
var birthDayParty = {month: 1, day: 20, hour: 20, minute: 30};;// Set date and time with a config object.


Date.parse('t')                 // Returns today's date.
Date.parse('today')             // Returns today's date.
Date.parse('tomorrow')          // Returns tomorrow's date.
Date.parse('yesterday')         // Returns yesterday's date.
Date.parse('next friday')       // Returns the date of the next Friday.
Date.parse('last monday')       // Returns the date of the previous Monday.
Date.parse('July 8th, 2004')    // Thu Jul 08 2004
Date.parse('15-Jan-2004')       // Thu Jan 15 2004
Date.parse('7/1/2004')          // Thu Jul 01 2004
Date.parse('7.1.2004')          // Thu Jul 01 2004
Date.parse('07.15.04')          // Thu Jul 15 2004
Date.parse('July 23rd 2004')    // Fri Jul 23 2004
Date.parse('Sat July 3, 2004')  // Sat Jul 03 2004
Date.parse('10:30 PM EST')      // Wed Oct 31 2007 20:30:00
Date.parse('10PM')              // Wed Oct 31 2007 22:00:00
Date.parse('t + 5d')            // Adds 5 days to today.
Date.parse('today - 1 month')   // Subtracts 1 month from today.
Date.parse('+')                 // Add 1 day to today = tomorrow.
Date.parse('- 3months')         // Subtract 3 months.
Date.parse('+1year')            // Add a year to today.
Date.parse('-12 months')        // Subtract 12 months (1 year) from today.
Date.parse('July 4th')          // July 4th of this year.
Date.parse('15')                // 15th day of current month/year.
Date.parse('July 8th, 2004, 10:30 PM')      // Thu Jul 08 2004 22:30:00
Date.parse('2004-07-15T06:45:00')           // Thu Jul 15 2004 06:45:00
Date.parse('Thu, 1 July 2004 22:30:00 GMT') // Thu Jul 01 2004 16:30:00
Date.parse('1997-07-16T19:20:15')           // ISO 8601 Formats
Date.parse('1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00')     // ISO 8601 with Timezone offset
Date.parse('1985-04-12T23:20:50Z')          // RFC 3339 Formats

Chaining{ months: 1, days: 5 }).is().fri()        // Add 1 month and 5 days, then check if that date is a Friday.
Date.parse('10-July-2004').next().friday().add(-1).month() // Take in a date, then move to the next Friday and subtract a month.

Comparison Date.parse('today'))                  // true|false
Date.parse('last Tues').equals(               // true|false
Date.equals(, Date.parse('today'))             // true|false, Date.parse('today'))            // 1 = greater, -1 = less than,'yesterday'))            // 1 = greater, -1 = less than, 0 = equal, endDate)                   // true|false

Converting to String

Format Description Example
s The seconds of the minute between 0-59. "0" to "59"
ss The seconds of the minute with leading zero if required. "00" to "59"
m The minute of the hour between 0-59. "0" or "59"
mm The minute of the hour with leading zero if required. "00" or "59"
h The hour of the day between 1-12. "1" to "12"
hh The hour of the day with leading zero if required. "01" to "12"
H The hour of the day between 0-23. "0" to "23"
HH The hour of the day with leading zero if required. "00" to "23"
d The day of the month between 1 and 31. "1" to "31"
dd The day of the month with leading zero if required. "01" to "31"
ddd Abbreviated day name. Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedDayNames. "Mon" to "Sun"
dddd The full day name. Date.CultureInfo.dayNames. "Monday" to "Sunday"
M The month of the year between 1-12. "1" to "12"
MM The month of the year with leading zero if required. "01" to "12"
MMM Abbreviated month name. Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedMonthNames. "Jan" to "Dec"
MMMM The full month name. Date.CultureInfo.monthNames. "January" to "December"
yy Displays the year as a two-digit number. "99" or "07"
yyyy Displays the full four digit year. "1999" or "2007"
t Displays the first character of the A.M./P.M. designator. Date.CultureInfo.amDesignator or Date.CultureInfo.pmDesignator "A" or "P"
tt Displays the A.M./P.M. designator. Date.CultureInfo.amDesignator or Date.CultureInfo.pmDesignator "AM" or "PM"
S The ordinal suffix ("st, "nd", "rd" or "th") of the current day. "st, "nd", "rd" or "th"
Custom Date and Time Format Specifiers
Format Description Example
d The CultureInfo shortDate Format Pattern "M/d/yyyy"
D The CultureInfo longDate Format Pattern "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
F The CultureInfo fullDateTime Format Pattern "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
m The CultureInfo monthDay Format Pattern "MMMM dd"
r The CultureInfo rfc1123 Format Pattern "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT"
s The CultureInfo sortableDateTime Format Pattern "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"
t The CultureInfo shortTime Format Pattern "h:mm tt"
T The CultureInfo longTime Format Pattern "h:mm:ss tt"
u The CultureInfo universalSortableDateTime Format Pattern "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ"
y The CultureInfo yearMonth Format Pattern "MMMM, yyyy"
new Date().toString()                  // "Wed Oct 31 2007 16:18:10 GMT-0700 (Pacfic Daylight Time)"
new Date().toString('M/d/yyyy')        // "10/31/2007"'d-MMM-yyyy')    // "31-Oct-2007"
new Date().toString('HH:mm')           // "16:18"'MMMM dS, yyyy') // "April 12th, 2008"       // "10/31/2007". Culture specific as per Date.CultureInfo.shortDatePattern.        // "Wednesday, October 31, 2007". Culture specific as per Date.CultureInfo.longDatePattern.
new Date().toShortTimeString()         // "4:18 PM". Culture specific as per Date.CultureInfo.shortTimePattern.
new Date().toLongTimeString()          // "4:18:34 PM". Culture specific as per Date.CultureInfo.longTimePattern.

Core{ day: 15 })          // Sets the day to the 15th of the current month and year. Other object values include year|month|day|hour|minute|second.{ year: 2007, month: 1, day: 20 }){ days: 2 })          // Adds 2 days to the Date. Other object values include year|month|day|hour|minute|second.{ years: -1, months: 6, hours: 3 })               // Add 1 year.             // Subtract 2 months.               // Add 1 week               // Add 6 hours.           // Subtract 30 minutes            // Add 15 seconds.      // Add 200 milliseconds.   // Returns the first day of the current month.    // Returns the last day of the current month.
new Date().clearTime()                 // Sets the time to 00:00 (start of the day).            // Resets the time to the current time (now). The functional opposite of .clearTime()

ISO 8601

// Parse ISO 8601 string
Date.parse('\"1997-07-16T19:20:15\"')  // ISO 8601 string format with wrapping double-quotes
// Convert date to ISO 6801 string
new Date().toISOString()               // Returns ISO 8601 string of date converted to it's UTC value. "2007-10-31T16:18:00Z"
// Get UTC converted ISO week number              // Returns ISO 8601 week of year. Returns "01" to ("52" | "53") depending on the year. See also .getWeek()


Date.getMonthNumberFromName('March')   // 2 - CultureInfo specific. <static>
Date.getDayNumberFromName('sat')       // 6 - CultureInfo specific. <static>
Date.isLeapYear(2008)                  // true|false. <static>
Date.getDaysInMonth(2007, 9)           // 31 <static>                 // Returns week of year. Returns 1 to (52 | 53) depending on the year                // Sets the week of the year to the Monday of the week set.
var test = new Date();                 // Do something... like run a test...
test.getElapsed()                      // Returns millisecond difference from now.    // true|false. Is within the Daylight Saving Time.   // true|false. Is Daylight Saving Time observed.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

yii get base url

Get Base Url YII Framework

echo Yii::app()->request->baseUrl."<br/>" ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
echo Yii::app()->request->getBaseUrl(true);
You're right, you can't use the Yii::app() methods inside the config's return array, but you can use Yii::getPathOfAlias() outside. Something like this might work:
$webroot = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot');
return array(
        'paths' => array(
            'imageTemp'=> $webroot.'/files/temp-',
            'image'=> $webroot.'/files/',
return array(
        'paths' => array(
            'imageTemp'=> '/files/temp-',
            'image'=> '/files/',

Friday, April 12, 2013

Display Formatted Value along X and Y Axis of Chart

var view new google.visualization.DataView(data);

var baseDate /*date to start from, in ms from the Unix Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00:000 GMT)*/;
    calcfunction (dtrow{
        // get ms from minutes
        var ms dt.getValue(row0) 60000;
        return new Date(baseDate ms);

to get it in string format use this:

var view new google.visualization.DataView(data);
// assumes the DataTable contains the formatted date value
    calcfunction (dtrow{
        return dt.getFormattedValue(row0);

Then you draw the chart using the view instead of the dataTable:


var data new google.visualization.DataTable();
    ['Jan 1, 2000'{v100f'100 Pounds'}],
    ['Jan 1, 2005'{v140f'140 Pounds'}],
    ['Jan 1, 2010'{v160f'160 Pounds'}]

or this:

var data new google.visualization.DataTable();
    // javascript dates use a zero-based index for months, so January is 0 not 1
    // date format is "new Date(year, month, day [, hour [, minute [, second [, microsecond]]]])" (hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds optional)
    // so 1:15:35 PM Jan 1, 2000 is: new Date(2000, 0, 1, 13, 15, 35)
    [new Date(200001){v100f'100 pounds'}],
    [new Date(200501){v140f'140 pounds'}],
    [new Date(201001){v160f'160 pounds'}]

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How to Change MySQL root password on Windows

How to Change MySQL root password on Windows

Use these instructions if you need change the root password for MySQL on Windows or if you need to add additional new users with general or specific limitations.

Setting a root password for MySQL

  1. Start your command line by going to the Start Menu > Run and typing cmd (or type command if you are using an older version of windows)
  2. Change directory to where you installed mysql to:
    C:\> cd C:\mysql\bin
  3. Switch to mysql command line:
    C:\mysql\bin> mysql -u root mysql
  4. Then set a default password:
    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('newpass');
    where "newpass" is the password you want to use

Adding more users

  1. Start your command line by going to the Start Menu > Run and typing cmd (or type command if you are using an older version of windows)
  2. Change directory to where you installed mysql to:
    C:\> cd C:\mysql\bin
  3. Switch to mysql command line (if you have not set a root password remove the -p switch when you type it in):
    C:\mysql\bin> mysql -u root -p mysql
  4. Then then add your new user:
    mysql> CREATE USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass';
    where "jeffrey" is the username and "mypass" is the password you want to use. You can also limit users to specific database, allow only certain remote hosts to connect all using the GRANT statement. However, that is outside the scope of this tutorial so search for more info on using GRANT if you are interested in those features.