Showing posts with label urlsearchparams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urlsearchparams. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Convert URLSearchParams to a JavaScript Object | JavaScript jQuery Get Parameters from URL | Get Params from URL using JavaScript

Use the Object.fromEntries method and pass the URLSearchParams instance as an argument. This creates a JavaScript object from the parsed query parameters:
const params = Object.fromEntries(  
  new URLSearchParams(

// URL:
// { foo: 'bar', name: 'futurestudio', num: '1' }
Here’s how it works: the URLSearchParams class implements JavaScript’s iterator interface. The iterator interface contains the Iterator#entries method. This entries methods returns an iterator providing an array of [key, value] pairs:
const params = new URLSearchParams('?foo=bar&name=futurestudio&num=1')

const iterator = params.entries()  
// { done: false, value: ['foo', 'bar'] }  
// { done: false, value: ['name', 'futurestudio'] }  
// { done: false, value: ['num', '1] }  
// { done: true, value: undefined }