Showing posts with label stripe-standard-account. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stripe-standard-account. Show all posts

Monday, September 18, 2017

Stripe Using Connect with Deferred Standard Accounts | Stripe Create Deferred Standard Account | Stripe Create Connected Account Using API Call

1 Login to your stripe account and navigate to and follow below steps:

2. Now have to create Deferred (standard) account using below code snippet (API call). Later account holder will login to their account and complete their verification process:

include_once "curl.php";

$api_key = "sk_test_eXF..........jWrcHK95rwj";
$url = "";

$params = array(
    "type" => "standard",
    "country" => "AU",
    "email" => ""

$headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer $api_key";
$headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

$result = CurlExecutor::execute($url, "POST", null, $params, $headers);
$result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);

Successful output would be like below:

    [code] => 200
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [id] => acct_1B3......1R7ddx6
            [object] => account
            [business_logo] => 
            [business_name] => 
            [business_url] => 
            [charges_enabled] => 1
            [country] => AU
            [default_currency] => aud
            [details_submitted] => 
            [display_name] => 
            [email] =>
            [keys] => stdClass Object
                    [secret] => sk_test_wel..........5fXfyBsmhI6
                    [publishable] => pk_test_mlPoU..........zBUbHBFof

            [metadata] => stdClass Object

            [payouts_enabled] => 
            [statement_descriptor] => 
            [support_email] => 
            [support_phone] => 
            [timezone] => Etc/UTC
            [type] => standard


Use "keys/secret" (actually it is "Secret key" for API), you can use this Key to process all your transactions.

And list of your connected account is below:

Stripe Using Connect with Standard Accounts | Stripe Create Standard Account

1 Login to your stripe account and navigate to and follow below steps:

2. Copy Client ID and follow below PHP script (which will redirect target users to Stripe application page to fill up their personal details to create and account with Stripe):

$client_id = "ca_BPnCyPD...........ODApFdHyTXHbwQ";
$auth_url = "".
header("Refresh:0; url=$auth_url");

3. After completing procedures there, Stripe will redirect back to our target redirect URL as below:


If fails then:


4. One thing we forgot, have to collect our API Key to request API call, navigate to to collect your API Key's.

5. After successful redirect back, it's time to collect access token to procedure further. 

include_once "curl.php";

$api_key = "sk_test_eXF4.........jWrcHK95rwj";
$url = "";

$params = array(
    "code" => $_GET["code"],
    "grant_type" => "authorization_code"

$headers[] = "Authorization: Bearer $api_key";
$headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

$result = CurlExecutor::execute($url, "POST", null, $params, $headers);
$result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);

Successful output would be like below:

    [code] => 200
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [access_token] => sk_test_oWtb.........xb4tLBXqZmh
            [livemode] => 
            [refresh_token] => rt_BQGsyumxyAoDH....................aPMt5MvpprSnpwD
            [token_type] => bearer
            [stripe_publishable_key] => pk_test_xHhgw.........zfo0QYltBB
            [stripe_user_id] => acct_1B3........3aeEh
            [scope] => read_write


Use "access_token" (actually it is "Secret key" for API), you can use this Key to process all your transactions.

And list of your connected account is below: