To access your message, inject the MessageSource into your service:
And to get the error messages from exception based on your i18n properties file, use the following code block in your service:
Will output something like this based on you i18n file:
If your i18n file contains something like:
def messageSource
And to get the error messages from exception based on your i18n properties file, use the following code block in your service:
def messageSource; def printAllMessage(Exception ex) { ex.errors.allErrors.eachWithIndex { ObjectError objectError, Integer index -> println "Error #${index}: " + messageSource.getMessage(objectError, Locale.default); } }
Will output something like this based on you i18n file:
Error #0: Property [accountId] cannot be null Error #1: Property [displayName] cannot be null Error #2: Property [emailAddress] with value [] must be unique
If your i18n file contains something like:
default.null.message=Property [{0}] cannot be null default.not.unique.message=Property [{0}] with value [{2}] must be unique