Showing posts with label grails hibernate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grails hibernate. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

grails deleted object would be re-saved by cascade error

have the 'User' as set-up below. I am trying to delete a 'User' by user.delete(flush: true), and I get the following error:
org.hibernate.ObjectDeletedException: deleted object would be re-saved by 
cascade (remove deleted object from associations): [User#2]

class User {
    Integer id;
    String name;

    static belongsTo = [
            role: Role

    static constraints = {


class Role {
    Integer id;

    static hasMany = [
            userList: User

    static constraints = {


To make things short: Hibernate, and so Grails will want to save() the role object at the end of the Hibernate session (in your case at the .delete(flush:true) call) because it detects that the object has been modified (a user has been suppressed). And the role must have kept a link toward the user, causing Hibernate to feel you will delete() the user to save() it back again.
To workaround this:
 def role = user.role; 
This tell Hibernate not to save() the role without you asking for it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Grails Hibernate Dynamica/On Fly CriteriaBuilder

The HibernateCriteriaBuilder is a great Grails feature, that you should know when working with the Grails framework. It is an alternative way to create dynamic or static queries with a groovy syntax based on the Criteria API of Hibernate.

Although there is some documentation about it in the Grails Pages, this does not demonstrate some advanced features like joins or pagination. There are several blog posts about the HibernateCriteriaBuilder, but most of them only show a simple example. I want to share my experience with a more complex example that demonstrates some features like:
  • query attributes of associated entities using joins
  • pagination parameters and their consequences
  • reuse of the criteria definition for similar domain classes

Query attributes of associated entities using joins

The example code uses a parcel instance as an example to carry parameter values to construct the criteria.

def example = new Parcel(parcelNumber: '1234%');

def crit = Parcel.createCriteria()
def parcels = crit.list {
  ilike("parcelNumber", example.parcelNumber)
  gt("parcelPrice", example.parcelPrice)
  recipient {
    ilike("lastName", example.recipient.lastName)
  depot {
     address {
       ilike("postalCode", example.depot.address.postalCode)

Dynamic query parameters

We extend the example to include the filtering only when the value of the example object is not empty.
def example = new Parcel(parcelNumber: '1234%');

def crit = Parcel.createCriteria()

def parcels = crit.list {
    if (example.parcelNumber) ilike("parcelNumber", example.parcelNumber)
    if (example.parcelPrice) gt("parcelPrice", example.parcelPrice)
    if (example.recipient) {
        recipient {
            if (example.recipient?.lastName) {
                ilike("lastName", example.recipient.lastName)
    if (example.depot?.address) {
        depot {
            address {
                if ( {
                if (example.depot.address.postalCode) {
                    ilike("postalCode", example.depot.address.postalCode)

Reuse of the criteria definition

We have 2 domain classes with the same properties: Parcel and ParcelArchive. We want to reuse the criteria definition, but we must be careful, because extracting it with your IDE ("extract method" refactoring) could break your code. You can use the groovy with.{closure} to extract the criteria:

// search Parcel

def example = new Parcel(parcelNumber: '1234%');

def crit = Parcel.createCriteria()
def parcels = crit.list {
    buildSearchCriteria(example, crit)

// search ParcelArchive

def example = new ParcelArchive(parcelNumber: '1234%');

def crit = ParcelArchive.createCriteria()
def parcels = crit.list {
    buildSearchCriteria(example, crit)

// criteria method for both

private static void buildSearchCriteria(def example, HibernateCriteriaBuilder crit) {
    crit.with {  
    // make the criteriaBuilder the receiver, because the definitions have been extracted a method
        if (example.parcelNumber) {
            ilike("parcelNumber", example.parcelNumber)
            if (example.parcelPrice) {
                gt("parcelPrice", example.parcelPrice)
            if (example.recipient) {
                recipient {
                    if (example.recipient?.lastName) {
                        ilike("lastName", example.recipient.lastName)
            if (example.depot?.address) {
                depot {
                    address {
                        if ( i {
                        if (example.depot.address.postalCode) {
                            ilike("postalCode", example.depot.address.postalCode)

Check and create criteria dynamically

package com.pritom
import grails.orm.HibernateCriteriaBuilder
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication

class DataService { 
     * Now if you want to search schoolName against a Student you 
     * have to something like below:
    def searchStudentBySchoolName() {
        def key = "";
        def value = "Some Value";
        def criteria = Student.createCriteria();
        criteria.list {
            buildSearchCriteria(criteria, key.trim("."), value);

     * isDomainClass() ? Somehow check that the name is a domain class
     * Otherwise it is a property in the domain.
     * Implement getDomainClassByName() to get the domain class dynamically

    def buildSearchCriteria(HibernateCriteriaBuilder criteria, String[] fields, String value) {
        criteria.with {
            for (Integer index2 = 0; index2 < fields.size() - 1; index2++) {
                if(fields[index2] != null && fields[index2 + 1] != null && isDomainClass(fields[index2])
                        && !isDomainClass(fields[index2 + 1])) {
                    def domainClass = getDomainClassByName(fields[index2].getMetaClass().getTheClass());
                    def domainCriteria = domainClass.createCriteria();
                    'in' (fields[index2], domainCriteria.list {
                        like(fields[index2 + 1], "%" + value + "%")
                } else if(fields[index2] != null && fields[index2 + 1] != null && isDomainClass(fields[index2])
                        && isDomainClass(fields[index2 + 1])) {
                    def domainClass = getDomainClassByName(fields[index2]).getMetaClass().getTheClass();
                    String current2 = fields[index2];
                    fields[index2] = null;
                    def domainCriteria = domainClass.createCriteria();
                    'in' (current2, domainCriteria.list{
                        buildSearchCriteria(domainCriteria, fields, value)
/* The domain classes are below: */
class Student {
    Integer id;
    String studentId;
    Integer age;
     det belongsTo = [
        discipline: Discipline
class Discipline {
    Integer id;
    String disciplineName; 
     def belongsTo = [
        school: School

class School {
    Integer id;
    String schoolName;

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grails Hibernate - null id in entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)

I ran into this issue today when trying to persist one of my objects.  The cause of the problem was interesting.  I was trying to save an object when a property/columns in the table had a unique constraint.  As a result, the object that I was trying to persist would not persist simply because the object's property it failed to meet the unique constraint.

As a result, a call to Save() on the object failed and the ID on the object I was trying to save was not set, but Grails Hibernate still processed the object and associated it with its persistence mechanism leaving it in a "semi-persistent" state with the Grails Hibernate persistence manager (ie: Grails Hibernate now knows about the object you tried to save and it SHOULD have fully evicted the object from its persistence manager because the save failed, but it didn't).

So, the solution that I implemented was to wrap the Save() in a try{} catch{} statement and handling exception.

Basically you need to do something like this:
Create a Filters in conf directory under grails project suppose named 'BaseFilters.groovy' with the following content:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring.GrailsWebApplicationContext
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.context.ServletContextHolder
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsApplicationAttributes
import org.hibernate.FlushMode
import org.hibernate.Session
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory

class BaseFilters {
    private static GrailsWebApplicationContext ctx;

    def filters = {
        all(controller:'*', action:'*') {
            before = {
                Session session = getRequestSession();
                request.requestSession = session;
            after = { Map model ->
                try {
                    Session session = request.requestSession;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
            afterView = { Exception e ->


    private Session getRequestSession() {
        SessionFactory sessionFactory = ctx.sessionFactory
        Session session = sessionFactory.currentSession
        return session;

    private def createCtx() {
        if(!ctx) {
            ctx = ServletContextHolder.servletContext.getAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)

Originally session flush mode initially set to 'FlushMode.AUTO' which cause the error.
So I change the session flush mode to 'FlushMode' to 'MANUAL'.
And also make your service transaction false such: static transactional = false, add this line just below the class definition.

And in the after section, I just manually try to flush, which is not much needed, you can ignore it.
I just add this section to do some logic manually if need.