Showing posts with label Padding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Padding. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

PHP Encrypt Data With OpenSSL Public Key And Decrypt With OpenSSL Private Key

Below is a PHP code snippet to encrypt data with a public key and then again decrypt the encrypted data with a private key.

If you have fetched the problem "error:0406D06E:rsa routines:RSA_padding_add_PKCS1_type_2:data too large for key size" then use the below code snippet to overcome this problem.

It's a good solution to handle big size data, but don't try too big size data with this method actually when you post file.
Raw data is fine.  

$data = "Large data to test. Large data to test. Large data to test. Large data to test.";
$data = $data . $data . $data . $data . $data . $data . $data . $data;
$data = $data . $data . $data . $data . $data . $data . $data . $data;

function encryptAndDecrypt($data)
    echo "Original data length=" . strlen($data) . "<BR>";

    $private_key = openssl_pkey_get_private(readServerFile("./XeroCerts/privatekey.pem"));
    $public_key = openssl_pkey_get_public(readServerFile("./XeroCerts/publickey.cer"));

    //Block size for encryption block cipher for 1024 bit key
    $encrypt_size = 110;

    //Block size for decryption block cipher for 1024 bit key
    $decrypt_size = 128;

    //For encryption we would use:
    $encrypted = '';
    $data = str_split($data, $encrypt_size);
    foreach ($data as $chunk) {
        openssl_public_encrypt($chunk, $partial, $public_key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);
        $encrypted .= $partial;
    $encrypted = base64_encode($encrypted);
    echo "Encrypted=" . $encrypted . "<BR>";

    //For decryption we would use:
    $decrypted = '';
    $data = str_split(base64_decode($encrypted), $decrypt_size);
    foreach ($data as $chunk) {
        openssl_private_decrypt($chunk, $partial, $private_key, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING);
        $decrypted .= $partial;
    echo "Decrypted=" . $decrypted;

Output of the above code snippet is below: 

If you don't want to save strings in clear text, there are new php functions (php >= 5.3.0) that can be of help; openssl_encrypt() and openssl_decrypt().

Original data length=5056
Decrypted=Large data to test. ............ Large data to test. Large data to test. Large data to test.