Monday, July 3, 2017

Laravel 5: Get Service Instance In Controller Dynamically | Get Service Instance In Service Dynamically

The Laravel service container is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies. Dependency injection is a fancy word that essentially means this: class dependencies are "injected" into the class via the constructor.

There are several ways to resolve something out of the container. First, you may use the make method as below example:

$service = app()->make("App\\Service\\EmployeeService");

So it makes life easier.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

PHPStorm: Open Project Using Command Line Using VBScript | Open Directory Using Command Line Using VBScript

PhpStorm helps opening a project using command line. You can open specific file with specific line. Below is a code snippet (Written in VBScript) to open a project directory using command line as well as VBScript.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )

WshShell.Run """C:\..\bin\PhpStorm.exe"" ""C:\xamp\project" "", 1

And in MAC you can use below command:
/Applications/../phpstorm ~/PhpS..jects/unt..5

You also can open a file of the same project using below command:

PhpStorm.exe C:\project_dir --line 3 C:\project_dir\numbers.js

Friday, June 30, 2017

Laravel 5: Change Default Database connection Dynamically | Change database name of connection on the fly | How to change default database connection in controller | Multiple DB Connections | Specifying DB connection information dynamically instead of config key | How to Use Multiple Database Connections in Laravel Application

use Illuminate\Config\Repository;

public function __construct(Repository $config) {}

So now you can $config from the above reference.

Below is a sample usage of change database name:

$config->set("database.connections.mysql.database", "test");


app()->config->set("database.connections.mysql.database", "test");

You can use this functionality in middle-ware.

If your app already connected then you have to disconnect it before make new connection available.

Below follow steps to disconnect connection:

$dm = app("Illuminate\\Database\\DatabaseManager");


Laravel 5: How to set and get config variable in Controller | Use of Application Config in Controller

use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository;

public function __construct(Application $app, Repository $config) {}

So now you can $app and $config from the above reference.

Below is a sample usage of $config:

$config->set("database.connections.mysql.database", "test");

How to select two additional columns from another table based on values in the base table

Below is sample SQL showing how we can use additional columns from another table based on value of base table.

SELECT, AS some_other_name,
FROM base_table AS base_table
  INNER JOIN (SELECT id, name FROM another_table) another_table
    ON base_table.another_table_id =
WHERE another_table.some_reference = 15

Laravel 5: Fluent Query Builder Join with subquery

Laravel is a strong php based framework today. Below is a code sample showing how raw query used for join.

$list = DB::table("users AS u")
    ->join(DB::raw('(SELECT id AS oid,name FROM organization) o'), function($join) {
        $join->on('o.oid', '=', 'u.organization_id');
    ->where("o.oid", 15)
    ->orderBy("", "DESC")
    ->select("", "o.oid", "")

Thursday, June 29, 2017

How create json format with group-concat mysql | How to put JSON into a column data if sub-query returns more than 1 row in MySQL | Optimized way of getting subqueries at once using JSON

How create json format with group-concat mysql |  How to put JSON into a column data if sub-query returns more than 1 row in MySQL | Optimized way of getting subqueries at once using JSON.

A bit convoluted, but you could create JSON objects for each row, concatenate them using GROUP_CONCAT and cast the result (wrapped in [] to make it an array) to JSON;

Below is the full example:

define("DB_DEFAULT_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_DEFAULT_DATABASE", "test71");
define("DB_DEFAULT_USER", "root");
define("DB_DEFAULT_PASSWORD", "");

$dbh = null;
try {
    $dbh = new PDO(
        "mysql:host=" . DB_DEFAULT_HOST . ";dbname=" . DB_DEFAULT_DATABASE,

    $query =
   AS Name, s.roll AS Roll,
              '[', COALESCE(
                    '\"ExamName\":', '\"', HEX(CONVERT(e.subject USING utf32)), '\"',
                    ',\"Score\":', '\"', e.score, '\"',
                  SEPARATOR ','
                ), ''
              ), ']'
            ) AS ExamsRaw
        FROM student AS s
          LEFT JOIN exams AS e ON
        GROUP BY";

    $students = $dbh->query($query)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
    foreach ($students as $entity) {
        $entity->Exams = array();
        foreach (json_decode($entity->ExamsRaw) as $group) {
            $group->ExamName = hexToStr($group->ExamName);
            array_push($entity->Exams, $group);
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
catch (\Exception $ex) {
    echo "MySQL_Error=" . $ex->getMessage();

function hexToStr($hex)
    $string = '';
    for ($index = 0; $index < strlen($hex) - 1; $index += 2) {
        $string .= chr(hexdec($hex[$index] . $hex[$index + 1]));
    return $string;

And below is the output of above example code block:

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [Name] => Prtiom First Year
            [Roll] => P1
            [Exams] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [ExamName] => ©|æ|þ|½|±|®|¶
                            [Score] => 1.12

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [ExamName] => Subject 2   
                            [Score] => 2.54

                    [2] => stdClass Object
                            [ExamName] =>  ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©
                            [Score] => 1.98



    [1] => stdClass Object
            [Name] => Pritom Second Year
            [Roll] => P2
            [Exams] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [ExamName] => Subject 2
                            [Score] => 4.00

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [ExamName] => Subject 3
                            [Score] => 3.00




Aware that mysql group function max length is by default 1024 characters. If your group function more than 1024 then you have to change limit of mysql group function using following query:

This is for current session:
SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000;

But if you want it global scope, then do following:
SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = 1000000;