Saturday, June 10, 2017

PayWay Rest API: Create Payment Using Stored Credit Card Token

It's easy to store credit card in PayWay and create payment using that that credit card token.

PayWay Rest API: Check if Rest API credentials are valid

PayWay Rest API: Create Customer Create Token

Below is a PHP script to create payment using stored credit card token:

include_once "CurlExecutor.php";

define("BASE_URL", "");
define("MERCHANT_ID", "TEST");
define("PRIVATE_KEY", "T10487_SEC_...");
define("PUBLIC_KEY", "T10487_PUB_...");


function createTokenPayment() {
    $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode(PRIVATE_KEY . ":");
    $headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

    $post = array(
        "customerNumber" => 7,
        "merchantId" => MERCHANT_ID,
        "transactionType" => "payment",
        "principalAmount" => "23.45",
        "currency" => "aud",
        "orderNumber" => "Sale-Identification"

    $result = CurlExecutor::execute(BASE_URL . "/transactions", "POST", $post, null, $headers);
    $result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);

Output as below:

    [code] => 201
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [transactionId] => 1957977083
            [receiptNumber] => 1957977083
            [status] => approved
            [responseCode] => 08
            [responseText] => Honour with identification
            [transactionType] => payment
            [customerNumber] => 7
            [customerName] => Pritom
            [customerEmail] =>
            [orderNumber] => Sale-Identification
            [currency] => aud
            [principalAmount] => 23.45
            [surchargeAmount] => 0
            [paymentAmount] => 23.45
            [paymentMethod] => creditCard
            [creditCard] => stdClass Object
                    [cardNumber] => 516320...008
                    [expiryDateMonth] => 08
                    [expiryDateYear] => 20
                    [cardScheme] => mastercard
                    [cardholderName] => My Mastercard

            [merchant] => stdClass Object
                    [merchantId] => TEST
                    [merchantName] => Test Merchant
                    [links] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [rel] => self
                                    [href] =>



            [transactionDateTime] => 10 Jun 2017 13:09 AEST
            [settlementDate] => 10 Jun 2017
            [isVoidable] => 1
            [isRefundable] => 
            [links] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => self
                            [href] =>

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => void
                            [href] =>




PayWay Rest API: Create Customer Create Token

You can create token in PayWay portal using credit card details to use further that token to create payment.

PayWay Rest API: Check if Rest API credentials are valid

If you are interested more on PayWay Rest API you can visit the below link:

Below is a PHP script to create token using credit card etails. Be aware that below code snippet used both private and public key in different section.

include_once "CurlExecutor.php";

define("BASE_URL", "");
define("MERCHANT_ID", "TEST");
define("PRIVATE_KEY", "T10487_SEC_...");
define("PUBLIC_KEY", "T10487_PUB_...");


function createCustomer($token) {
    $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode(PRIVATE_KEY . ":");
    $headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

    $post = array(
        "singleUseTokenId" => $token,
        "merchantId" => MERCHANT_ID,
        "customerName" => "Pritom",
        "emailAddress" => ""

    $result = CurlExecutor::execute(BASE_URL . "/customers", "POST", $post, null, $headers);
    $result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);

function getSingleUseToken() {
    $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode(PUBLIC_KEY . ":");
    $headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

    $post = array(
        "paymentMethod" => "creditCard",
        "cardNumber" => "5163200000000008",
        "cardholderName" => "My Mastercard",
        "cvn" => "070",
        "expiryDateMonth" => "08",
        "expiryDateYear" => "20",

    $result = CurlExecutor::execute(BASE_URL . "/single-use-tokens", "POST", $post, null, $headers);
    $result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);
    if ($result["code"] == 200) {
        return $result["response"]->singleUseTokenId;

Output is below:

    [code] => 201
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [customerNumber] => 7
            [paymentSetup] => stdClass Object
                    [paymentMethod] => creditCard
                    [stopped] => 
                    [creditCard] => stdClass Object
                            [cardNumber] => 516320...008
                            [expiryDateMonth] => 08
                            [expiryDateYear] => 20
                            [cardScheme] => mastercard
                            [cardholderName] => My Mastercard
                            [surchargePercentage] => 0

                    [merchant] => stdClass Object
                            [merchantId] => TEST
                            [merchantName] => Test Merchant
                            [links] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
                                            [rel] => self
                                            [href] =>




            [contact] => stdClass Object
                    [customerName] => Pritom
                    [emailAddress] =>
                    [sendEmailReceipts] => 
                    [phoneNumber] => 
                    [address] => stdClass Object
                            [street1] => 
                            [street2] => 
                            [cityName] => 
                            [state] => 
                            [postalCode] => 


            [customFields] => stdClass Object

            [links] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => self
                            [href] =>

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => help
                            [href] =>

                    [2] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => contact
                            [href] =>

                    [3] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => custom-fields
                            [href] =>

                    [4] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => payment-setup
                            [href] =>

                    [5] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => schedule
                            [href] =>

                    [6] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => virtual-account
                            [href] =>

                    [7] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => search-customer-transactions
                            [href] =>




PayWay Rest API: Create Credit Card Payment

If you are not already check connection to PayWay Rest API, you need to do that validation. Follow the below link to test API connection, there you can learn about public and private key.

If you are interested more on PayWay Rest API you can visit the below link:

Below is a PHP script to create credit card payment. Be aware that below code snippet used both private and public key in different section.

include_once "CurlExecutor.php";

define("BASE_URL", "");
define("MERCHANT_ID", "TEST");
define("PRIVATE_KEY", "T10487_SEC_...");
define("PUBLIC_KEY", "T10487_PUB_...");


function createPayment($token) {
    $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode(PRIVATE_KEY . ":");
    $headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

    $post = array(
        "singleUseTokenId" => $token,
        "customerNumber" => "Customer-ID",
        "transactionType" => "payment",
        "principalAmount" => "12.34",
        "currency" => "aud",
        "orderNumber" => "Sale-Identification",
        "merchantId" => MERCHANT_ID

    $result = CurlExecutor::execute(BASE_URL . "/transactions", "POST", $post, null, $headers);
    $result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);

function getSingleUseToken() {
    $headers[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode(PUBLIC_KEY . ":");
    $headers[] = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

    $post = array(
        "paymentMethod" => "creditCard",
        "cardNumber" => "5163200000000008",
        "cardholderName" => "My Mastercard",
        "cvn" => "070",
        "expiryDateMonth" => "08",
        "expiryDateYear" => "20",

    $result = CurlExecutor::execute(BASE_URL . "/single-use-tokens", "POST", $post, null, $headers);
    $result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);
    if ($result["code"] == 200) {
        return $result["response"]->singleUseTokenId;

Below is output of valid payment:

    [code] => 201
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [transactionId] => 1957973936
            [receiptNumber] => 1957973936
            [status] => approved
            [responseCode] => 08
            [responseText] => Honour with identification
            [transactionType] => payment
            [customerNumber] => CUSTOMER-ID
            [customerName] => My Mastercard
            [orderNumber] => Sale-Identification
            [currency] => aud
            [principalAmount] => 12.34
            [surchargeAmount] => 0
            [paymentAmount] => 12.34
            [paymentMethod] => creditCard
            [creditCard] => stdClass Object
                    [cardNumber] => 516320...008
                    [expiryDateMonth] => 08
                    [expiryDateYear] => 20
                    [cardScheme] => mastercard
                    [cardholderName] => My Mastercard

            [merchant] => stdClass Object
                    [merchantId] => TEST
                    [merchantName] => Test Merchant
                    [links] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [rel] => self
                                    [href] =>



            [transactionDateTime] => 10 Jun 2017 11:57 AEST
            [settlementDate] => 10 Jun 2017
            [isVoidable] => 1
            [isRefundable] => 
            [links] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => self
                            [href] =>

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => void
                            [href] =>




And you can see that in PayWay portal there is a payment created:

Error response from PayWay Rest API is well defined. So you can capture error response easily.

PayWay Rest API: Check if Rest API credentials are valid

PayWay Rest API is easy to implement. We need three information from PayWay end to create payment, refund payment, void payment, store credit card for further use and many other things.

So we need:
1. Publishable public key
2. Secret private key

3. and Merchant ID

Now you have all 3 information to communicate with PayWay.

Below is a PHP script to test credentials using rest API:

include_once "CurlExecutor.php";

define("BASE_URL", "");
define("MERCHANT_ID", "TEST");
define("PRIVATE_KEY", "T10487_SEC_...");
define("PUBLIC_KEY", "T10487_PUB_...");

$headers[] = "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode(PUBLIC_KEY . ":");
$result = CurlExecutor::execute(BASE_URL, "GET", null, null, $headers);
$result["response"] = json_decode($result["response"]);

If your credentials are fine below output will back from PayWay end:

    [code] => 200
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [clientNumber] => T52943
            [clientName] => Pritom
            [keyName] => T10487_PUB...bzq
            [links] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => single-use-tokens
                            [href] =>

                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => surcharges
                            [href] =>

                    [2] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => help
                            [href] =>



If you have error in your public key below output will be generated:

    [code] => 401
    [response] => stdClass Object
            [message] => The "Authorization" header contained an unknown API key. You must send your API key as the basic authentication username.
            [links] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [rel] => help
                            [href] =>




Friday, June 9, 2017

Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

Why is happening like this, some other thread is holding a record lock on some record (you're updating every record in the table!) for too long, and your thread is being timed out. That's why you got this error.

Your first step to lookup for which queries this problem happened.
Below are some queries to observe transaction status and other data:

show open tables where in_use > 0;
show processlist;
SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`innodb_trx` ORDER BY `trx_started`;
SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`innodb_locks`;
show variables like 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout';
show variables like '%wait_timeout%';

Above queries help you to find out why the problem occurs. 

Now you can check your database transaction isolation level in the mysql using following command:

SELECT @@GLOBAL.tx_isolation, @@tx_isolation, @@session.tx_isolation;

I think all values are set to "REPEATABLE-READ" if you don't configured it yet.

Make sure the database tables are using InnoDB storage engine and READ-COMMITTED transaction isolation level.

Now you can set it to "READ-COMMITTED" for better performance using below command:


If the the above configuration is correct then please try to increase the database server innodb_lock_wait_timeout variable to 500 (it's a random value, default value is 50).

Restart MySQL database service for the configuration to take place.

Modify MySQL startup options in the configuration file my.cnf (often named my.ini on Windows), so the transaction level is set to transaction-isolation = READ-COMMITTED.



If this not helps you much, you need and database administration as well as expert to troubleshoot the problem.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

PHP Tag Lib: PHP Custom Tag Library (TagLib)

We use tag in your HTML page such as "DIV", "H2", "P" etc in every moment in our life. Who used Grail's or Spring MVC he has knowledge on custom tag library. We can also use custom tag lib in PHP project. Below is a example of PHP custom tag lib usage:

<tglib:upper>Goes to upper</tglib:upper>

To drive output of this custom tag in PHP, you have to download and include tag lib library first from below link: Tag Lib: PHP Custom Tag Library (TagLib)

We used tglib:upper in above script, so we have to make a directory in "TagLib" directory named "upper" with a function named "tglib___upper" that support $tag parameter. With will supply tag name as well as any attributes in that tag. 

Below is a sample example of "upper" tag:

function tglib___upper($tag)
    return strtoupper($tag['content']);

$tag["content"] contains body parts of the tag.

If you download and execute "tag1.php" file, below output will be generated:

jQuery Script: Remove next element by class name

Its very easy to remove next element by checking class is matches or not. You can also remove previous element as well as next element.


<script src="3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div class="base">ELEMENT 1</div>
<div class="will_not_remove">ELEMENT WILL NOT REMOVE</div>
<div class="remove">HAS CLASS "REMOVE" BUT WILL NOT REMOVE</div>
<div class="base">ELEMENT 2</div>
<div class="remove">ELEMENT WILL REMOVE</div>

<script type="text/javascript">