
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Install ReactJS on Windows using NPM with help of NODEJS

First needs to install NodeJS, for windows users, go to and download your suitable installer and install if not alredy installed.
After installation completed go to your installation directory (for me its C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules) and check there is a folder named "npm", if exists open a command prompt (WINDOWS_BUTTON+CMD) and type command "npm -v" to see if nodejs installed properly.

Now time to install React from Terminal: npm install -g create-react-app, it will take some time to complete.

If successful, you should be able to get version: create-react-app --version
Now time to create a project: create-react-app react_app1, after create project navigate to project directory using cd react_app1

Expected output in terminal (and should auto open browser to port 3000) on start project using command npm start:

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