WordPress provides a new method of grouping content by allowing you to create your own custom taxonomies. The core developers have created the register_taxonomy() function to handle the heavy lifting for us. All you have to do is understand how to configure all of the settings to suit your needs. |
Below function will initialize custom taxonomy: |
<?php add_action('init', array(self::class, 'create_topics_hierarchical_taxonomy'), 0); public static function create_topics_hierarchical_taxonomy() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x( 'Color', 'taxonomy general name' ), 'singular_name' => _x( 'Colors', 'taxonomy singular name' ), 'search_items' => __( 'Search Colors' ), 'all_items' => __( 'All Colors' ), 'parent_item' => __( 'Parent Color' ), 'parent_item_colon' => __( 'Parent Color:' ), 'edit_item' => __( 'Edit Color' ), 'update_item' => __( 'Update Color' ), 'add_new_item' => __( 'Add New Color' ), 'new_item_name' => __( 'New Color Name' ), 'menu_name' => __( 'Colors' ), ); register_taxonomy(MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . 'color', array('post', 'page'), array( //If you want parent color option, then enable below parameter to true 'hierarchical' => false, 'labels' => $labels, //will show settings create/edit/delete options in post/page menu 'show_ui' => true, //will show count posts 'show_admin_column' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'taxonomy-color') )); //Default taxonomy will be created on initialization wp_insert_term("Black", MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . "color"); wp_insert_term("Blue", MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . "color"); wp_insert_term("Yellow", MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . "color"); wp_insert_term("Red", MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . "color"); } |
Below function will add required script in taxonomy page: |
<?php add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(self::class, 'my_add_admin_scripts')); public static function my_add_admin_scripts() { global $pagenow; $taxonomy = MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . 'color'; if($pagenow == 'edit-tags.php' && (isset($_GET['taxonomy']) && $_GET['taxonomy'] == $taxonomy) && !isset($_GET['action'])) { wp_register_script( 'quick-edit-js', MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_URL . 'assets/script7.js', array('jquery') ); wp_enqueue_script('quick-edit-js'); } } |
Below function will add additional field to our custom taxonomy: |
<?php $taxonomy = MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . 'color'; $taxonomy1 = 'manage_edit-' . $taxonomy . '_columns'; add_filter($taxonomy1, array(self::class, 'register_category_columns')); public static function register_category_columns($columns) { $columns['my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1'] = __( 'Creator', 'my-taxonomy-plugin' ); return $columns; } |
Below function will show custom taxonomy field in taxonomy table |
<?php $taxonomy = MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . 'color'; $taxonomy2 = 'manage_' . $taxonomy . '_custom_column'; add_filter($taxonomy2, array(self::class, 'category_column_display'), 10, 3); public static function category_column_display($string, $column_name, $term_id) { return esc_html(get_term_meta($term_id, $column_name, true)); } |
Below function will allow our custom field of taxonomy to edit in quick edit mode |
<?php $taxonomy = MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . 'color'; add_action('quick_edit_custom_box', array(self::class, 'quick_edit_taxonomy_field'), 10, 2); $taxonomy3 = 'edited_' . $taxonomy; add_action($taxonomy3, array(self::class, 'quick_edit_save_category_field')); public function quick_edit_taxonomy_field($column_name, $screen) { if ( $screen != 'edition' && $column_name != 'my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1' ) { return false; } include_once MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_DIR . "templates/taxonomy_quick_edit.php"; } public function quick_edit_save_category_field($term_id) { if (isset($_POST['my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1'])) { update_term_meta( $term_id, 'my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1', $_POST['my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1'] ); } } <fieldset> <div class="inline-edit-col inline-edit-col-taxonomy-my-color"> <label> <span class="title"><?php _e( 'Creator', 'my-taxonomy-plugin' ); ?></span> <span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="<?php echo esc_attr($column_name); ?>" class="ptitle" value=""></span> </label> </div> </fieldset> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var $ = jQuery, body = $(document.body); (function ($, inlineEditTax) { // inlineEditTax does not invoke any events, but does ensure to stop // propagation to all other event handlers; swap it out. inlineEditTax.editPreMyPlugin = inlineEditTax.edit; inlineEditTax.edit = function (link) { // Invoke original edit event handler. this.editPreMyPlugin(link); var tr = $(link).closest('tr[id]'); var tag_id = tr.attr('id'); var field1_value = tr.find(".column-my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1").text(); $(':input[name="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1"]', '.inline-edit-row').val(field1_value); return false; } })($, inlineEditTax); }); |
Below function will add a custom field to add/edit form of taxonomy and data will be saved accordingly |
<?php add_action($taxonomy . '_add_form_fields', array( self::class, 'taxonomy_metadata_add' ), 10, 1); add_action($taxonomy . '_edit_form', array( self::class, 'taxonomy_metadata_edit' ), 10, 1); add_action('created_' . $taxonomy, array( self::class, 'save_taxonomy_metadata' ), 10, 1); add_action('edited_' . $taxonomy, array( self::class, 'save_taxonomy_metadata' ), 10, 1); public static function taxonomy_metadata_add($tag) { if (current_user_can( 'publish_posts')) { include_once MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_DIR . "templates/taxonomy_add.php"; } } public static function taxonomy_metadata_edit($tag) { if (current_user_can( 'publish_posts')) { ob_start(); global $my_taxonomy_plugin_color_f1; $my_taxonomy_plugin_color_f1 = get_term_meta($tag->term_id, 'my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1', true); include_once MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_DIR . "templates/taxonomy_edit.php"; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $content; } } public static function save_taxonomy_metadata($term_id) { if ( isset($_POST['my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1']) ) { update_term_meta($term_id, 'my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1', esc_attr($_POST['my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1'])); } } <div class="form-field"> <label for="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1"><?php _e('Creator'); ?></label> <input name="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1" id="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1" type="text" value="" size="70" /> <p class="description"><?php _e('Title display in creator is limited to 70 chars'); ?></p> </div> <table class="form-table"> <tbody> <tr class="form-field form-required term-name-wrap"> <th scope="row"><label for="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1"><?php _e('Creator'); ?></label></th> <td> <input name="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1" id="my-taxonomy-plugin-color-f1" type="text" value="<?= esc_attr($my_taxonomy_plugin_color_f1) ?>" size="70" /> <p class="description"><?php _e('Title display in creator is limited to 70 chars'); ?></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> |
Now we will add metabox to append our taxonomy to post edit page |
<?php add_action('admin_init', array(Init::class, 'check_if_plugin')); public static function check_if_plugin() { if (is_plugin_active(MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_NAME)) { add_meta_box( MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE . 'metabox1', __( 'Choose Colors', MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_CORE ), array(Init::class, 'my_meta_box_data_callback'), 'post' ); add_action('save_post', array(self::class, "my_taxonomy_post_save_callback"), 1, 2); } } public static function my_taxonomy_post_save_callback($id, $post) { if (!isset($_POST[MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_NONCE_FIELD_NAME])) { return $post->ID; } if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST[MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_NONCE_FIELD_NAME], MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_NONCE_FIELD_NAME)) { return $post->ID; } if (!current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID)) { return $post->ID; } $options = isset($_POST[self::getTaxonomyName()]) ? $_POST[self::getTaxonomyName()] : array(); wp_set_post_terms($post->ID, $options, self::getTaxonomyName()); return $post->ID; } public static function my_meta_box_data_callback() { global $post; $taxonomy_options = get_terms(array( 'taxonomy' => self::getTaxonomyName(), 'hide_empty' => false, )); if (count($taxonomy_options) > 0) { $post_terms = []; foreach(wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, self::getTaxonomyName()) as $o) { $post_terms[$o->term_id] = 1; } global $taxonomy_data_map; $taxonomy_data_map = []; $taxonomy_data_map['class'] = self::getTaxonomyName(); $taxonomy_data_map['options'] = $taxonomy_options; $taxonomy_data_map['selected'] = $post_terms; include_once MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_DIR . 'templates/taxonomy_post_edit.php'; wp_nonce_field( MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_NONCE_FIELD_NAME, MY_TAXONOMY_PLUGIN_NONCE_FIELD_NAME ); } } taxonomy_post_edit.php <?php global $taxonomy_data_map; $taxonomy_class = $taxonomy_data_map['class']; $taxonomy_options = $taxonomy_data_map['options']; $taxonomy_selected = $taxonomy_data_map['selected']; ?> <div class="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>-editor-on-post"> <h2> Colors </h2> <?php foreach ($taxonomy_options as $o) { ?> <div class="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>-taxonomies__hierarchical-terms-list" tabindex="0" role="group" aria-label="Available Colors"> <?php $_checked = isset($taxonomy_selected[$o->term_id]) ? 'checked' : ''; ?> <div class="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>-taxonomies__hierarchical-terms-choice"> <input id="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>-taxonomies-hierarchical-term-<?= $o->term_id ?>" class="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>-taxonomies__hierarchical-terms-input" type="checkbox" value="<?= $o->name ?>" name="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>[]" <?= $_checked ?> /> <label for="<?= $taxonomy_class ?>-taxonomies-hierarchical-term-<?= $o->term_id ?>"><?= esc_attr($o->name) ?></label> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> |
Now time to display our taxonomy data to post details view |
<?php add_filter('the_content', array(self::class, 'my_the_content')); public static function my_the_content($c) { if (!is_admin() && !is_feed() && (is_single() || is_page())) { global $post; $allow = !is_null($post) && property_exists($post, "post_type") && in_array($post->post_type, array('post')); if ($allow) { $content = array(); foreach(wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, self::getTaxonomyName()) as $o) { $content[] = $o->name; } $c = $c . "<div class=\"my_taxonomy_plugin_color-post-display\"> <div class=\"row\"> <label class=\"label\">Colors</label> <span class=\"value\">" . implode(', ', $content) . "</span> </div> </div>"; } } return $c; } |
Below are some of screen shots |
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Download full plugin from BitBucket |
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