
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Cloudant create view and used indexes to search values

Create a document using : "_design/views103" (After selecting a database).
Enter "indexes" as key.
Enter following content after converting as JSON to value field:

    "search_name": {
          "function(doc) {
            index("default", doc._id);
            if (doc['customerID']) {
                index("customerID", doc['customerID'], {"store": "yes"});

_id automatically used as index.

Wild card searches are supported, for both single (?) and multiple (*)
character searches. dat? would match date and data, dat* would match date,
data, database, dates etc. Wildcards must come after a search term, you cannot
do a query like *base.

customerID is a key field in data object.

With this index you can run any of these queries.
Desired resultQuery
Birds class:bird
Animals that begin with the letter "l" l*
Carnivorous birds class:bird AND diet:carnivore
Herbivores that start with letter "l" l* AND diet:herbivore
Medium-sized herbivores min_length:[1 TO 3] AND diet:herbivore
Herbivores that are 2m long or less diet:herbivore AND min_length:[-Infinity TO 2]
Mammals that are at least 1.5m long class:mammal AND min_length:[1.5 TO Infinity]
Find "Meles meles" latin_name:"Meles meles"
Mammals who are herbivore or carnivore diet:(herbivore OR omnivore) AND class:mammal

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