
Sunday, February 24, 2013

How To Manually Create Zone Files For Domain Names In Linux Server

How To Manually Create Zone Files For Domain Names In Linux Server

today i am going to teach how you can add a domain name to your web server using BIND. these is my case:
  • i have a fedora core linux web server with apache and bind9
  • my bind is chroot jailed, if you have a directory called "chroot" in /var/named then you are also chroot jail
  • i have a domain name poitint to my server.
  • i have access to root
  • i have access to linux shell (via ssh)
these are my properties (example)
  1. My domain name:
  2. My nameserver for is:
  3. My email address is
  4. My linux server ip address is:
  5. My linux server hostname is:

STEP 1. login to your shell as root

STEP 2. send this command to create our first file called :
nano /var/named/chroot/var/named/
this will open a blank file called with our text editor called nano. you can use vi if you want to, if you want to use vi, then replace the command with: vi /var/named/chroot/var/named/

STEP 3. Now that you have file, add the following information:
$ttl 38400    IN      SOA     localhost.localdomain. (
                        38400 )    IN      NS      localhost.localdomain.        IN      A

now if you look at the information, all you have to do is replaced the following with your own information: (replace any with whatever your DOMAIN NAME is) (replace with whatever your EMAIL name is) (replace with whatever your IP ADDRESS name is)
1184045571 (this has to be a unique number you haven't used before. some people use the curretn time and date, for example 200707011535 with is the year = 2007, month = 07, day = 01, hour = 15, minute = 35)
NOTE: its important to you keep the same format as it is on the example above. Make sure you use the same format exactly as it appears above. what i mean by the format is to make sure the { } ; are in the same line as my example, otherwise, when you restart your DNS server, it will fail. i tell you cuz it failed on me once.

STEP 4. Now you need to edit the named.conf file, send this command:
nano /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf
it should look something like this:
options {
        directory "/etc";
        pid-file "/var/run/named/";

zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "/etc/db.cache";

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/var/named/";

STEP 5. now you need to edit named.conf to add your domain name. so in my example, i will be adding and now, this is how named.conf should look like:
options {
        directory "/etc";
        pid-file "/var/run/named/";

zone "." {
        type hint;
        file "/etc/db.cache";

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/var/named/";

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/var/named/";
As you can see all i did was added at the bottom of the file:
type master; (this is a master zone )
file "/var/named/"; (this is the location of the file where we created the on STEP 4.
NOTE: make sure you use the same format exactly as it appears above. what i mean by the format is to make sure the { } ; are in the same line as my example, otherwise, when you restart your DNS server, it will fail. i tell you cuz it failed on me once.

STEP 6. Now that you have all the correct files, you will need to restart your DNS server for the changes to take affect. so restart your DNS server with the following command:
/etc/init.d/named restart

Now open your website on your browser and you should see your webserver.

this is what i got:

Ok, the next step would be to point to a directory specially for my domain instead of getting the default apache page right.

so this is how you do it: click on this link on how to add virtual domain names in apache server

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