
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Grails Error Handling With Custom Http Status Code

First need to create a trait Groovy file as follows under src/groovy:

trait CustomExceptionHandler {
    /* Handle common exception */
    def handleException(Exception e) {
        handleCustomException(new CustomException(e.getMessage()))

    /* Handle defined custom exception */
    def handleCustomException2(CustomException2 e) {

    /* Handle defined custom exception */
    def handleCustomException(CustomException e) {
        if (!CommonUtils.request) {
            // do something
        else {
            CommonUtils.currentResponse.status = 220 (Custom response code)
            if(e.getStatusCode()) {
                CommonUtils.currentResponse.status = e.getStatusCode()
            if (CommonUtils.request.xhr) {
                def error = [
                        type: "error",
                        message: e.getMessage()
                render error as JSON
            else {
                render(view: "/error/error", model: [exception: e])

Create a groovy class under src/groovy:

import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder
class CommonUtils {
    public static def getRequest() {
        def request = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()
        return request ? request.request : null

    public static HttpServletResponse getCurrentResponse() {
        return WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest().getCurrentResponse()

Exception Types (Reside in src/groovy):

class CustomException extends RuntimeException {

class CustomException2 extends CustomException {


How controller can use this feature:

class Controller1 implements CustomExceptionHandler {
    def index() {
        throw new Exception("Common exception")

    def index2() {
        throw new CustomException("Defined custom exception")

    def index3() {

    def index4() {

Exception thrown from service bahave same as from controller

class SomeService {
    def index3() {
        throw new Exception("Common exception")

    def index4() {
        throw new CustomException("Defined custom exception")

Java Code To Check Repeated Character In String

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

class RepeatedCharacterCheck {
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
        String stringToMatch = "abccdeeefenonn";
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\w)\\1+");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(stringToMatch);
        while (m.find()) {
            System.out.println("Duplicate character " +;


Duplicate character cc
Duplicate character eee
Duplicate character nn

Friday, October 16, 2015

Using a CASE Statement/If Condition in HQL select query

SELECT name, 
CASE WHEN name = 'Name' then 'Name is Name' else 'Name is not Name' end
From Domain

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

HQL Use MySQL Functions By Implementing Custom Dialect

Datasource.groovy File

hibernate {
    cache.use_second_level_cache = true
    cache.use_query_cache = true
    cache.region.factory_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheRegionFactory'
    cache.provider_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider'
    format_sql = false
    use_sql_comments = false
grails.cache.config = {
    cache {
        name 'org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache'
        eternal true
        maxEntriesLocalHeap 500
        persistence {
            strategy localTempSwap

/* environment specific settings */
environments {
    development {
        dataSource {
            pooled = true
            url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/db_name?useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8"
            driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
            username = "root"
            password = ""
            dialect = "com.pkm.custom.CustomMySQLDialect"
            dbCreate = "update"
            properties {
                maxActive = 1000
                maxIdle = 100
                minIdle = 50
                initialSize = 1
                minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000
                timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000
                numTestsPerEvictionRun = 3
                maxWait = 10000
                testOnBorrow = true
                testWhileIdle = true
                testOnReturn = true
                validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
                minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 1800000
                timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 1800000
            logSql = false
            loggingSql = false
    test {
        dataSource {
    production {
        dataSource {
log4j = {
    debug 'org.hibernate.SQL'
    trace 'org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicBinder'

Custom Dialect (.groovy) Used In Datasource

import org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunctionTemplate
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.StandardSQLFunction
import org.hibernate.type.IntegerType
import org.hibernate.type.StringType
import org.hibernate.type.TimestampType

class CustomMySQLDialect extends MySQL5InnoDBDialect {
    public CustomMySQLDialect() {

        /* convert_tz('2015-01-01', '+00:00', '+10:00') = '2015-01-01 10:00' */
        /* convert_tz('2015-01-01 00:00', '+00:00', '+10:00') = '2015-01-01 10:00' */
        /* convert_tz('2015-01-01 20:00', '+00:00', '-10:00') = '2015-01-01 10:00' */
        registerFunction("convert_tz", new StandardSQLFunction("convert_tz"))

        /* group_concat(name) = 'a,b,c,c,d' */
        registerFunction("group_concat", new StandardSQLFunction("group_concat", new StringType()))

        /* group_concat_unique(name) = 'a,b,c,d' */
        registerFunction("group_concat_unique", new SQLFunctionTemplate(new StringType(), "group_concat(DISTINCT ?1)"))

        /* date_add_interval('2015-01-01', DAY, 10) = '2015-01-11' */
        /* date_add_interval('2015-01-20', DAY, -10) = '2015-01-10' */
        registerFunction("date_add_interval", new SQLFunctionTemplate(TimestampType.INSTANCE, "date_add(?1, INTERVAL ?3 ?2)"))

        /* index_of('am', 'i am good') = 3 */
        /* index_of('asm', 'i am good') = 0 */
        registerFunction("index_of", new SQLFunctionTemplate(new IntegerType(), "LOCATE(?1, ?2)"))

        /* format(number, decimal_place, locale) = format(200.343, 2, 'en_AU') = '200.34' */
        registerFunction("format", new StandardSQLFunction("format", new StringType()))

    public String transformSelectString(String select) {
        select = super.transformSelectString(select);
        return select;

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Myob Cloud Integration: Use Filter In Myob Integration

Equal Method (String)
{domain}/{cf guid}/Sale/Invoice/?$filter=PaymentDetails/Method eq 'Cash'

Equal Method (UID)
{domain}/{cf guid}/Sale/Invoice/?$filter=Customer/UID eq guid'd61a6a86-453a-48bf-9402-6eb6b4ea23cf'

Equal Method (Boolean)
{domain}/{cf guid}/Contact/?$filter=IsIndividual eq true

Filtering in List
{domain}/{cf guid}/Contact/Customer/?$filter=Addresses/any(x: x/Email eq null) 

Equal Method (Date)
{domain}/{cf guid}/Purchase/Bill/?$filter=Date ge datetime'2014-07-01' and Date le datetime'2014-09-24'

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Grails Get/Use Http Session In Service Or Util Class

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.util.WebUtils
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession

HttpSession httpSession = WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest().request.session

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Grails :: How To Override g Message Tag

1. Create a tab lib (grails-app/taglib)

2. Extend with ValidationTagLib

3. Example

package com.test.taglib

import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.ValidationTagLib

class MyCustomTagLib extends ValidationTagLib {
 static validationTagLibStatic = null

    static namespace = "g"

    Closure message = { attrs ->
        ValidationTagLib validationTagLib = validationTagLibStatic ?: (validationTagLibStatic = grailsAttributes.applicationContext.getBean('org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.ValidationTagLib'))

Friday, July 31, 2015

Grails Add New Resources To MessageSource Dynamically

First create a groovy file with the following contents

package com.pkm.message.test

import grails.util.Environment
import javax.servlet.ServletContext

class MessageSourceCreator {
    public static def grailsApplication = null
    public static def servletContext = null
    public static def messageSource = null
    private static final String MESSAGE_FILE_DIR = "/WEB-INF/resources/messages"

     * @param fileName ""
    public static void addNewMessageFile(String fileName) {
        String basePath = servletContext.getRealPath("/")
        fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf("."))
        String relativeFilePath = "${MESSAGE_FILE_DIR}/${fileName}"

        if (Environment.isWarDeployed()) {
            messageSource.pluginBaseNames.add(0, relativeFilePath)
        else {
            String separator = Environment.current == Environment.TEST ? "/" : ""
            messageSource.pluginBaseNames.add(0, basePath + separator + relativeFilePath)

    public static void initialize(def ga, def sc, def ms) {
        grailsApplication = ga
        servletContext = sc
        messageSource = ms

From BootStrap, need to call first initialize & then addNewMessageFile

 * From BootStrap, need to call first initialize & then addNewMessageFile
import com.pkm.message.test.MessageSourceCreator

class BootStrap {
    def grailsApplication
    def servletContext
    def messageSource

    def init = { servletContext ->
        MessageSourceCreator.initialize(grailsApplication, servletContext, messageSource)

    def destroy = {


Friday, June 26, 2015

HOW TO Fix Google Chrome Updates "Disabled By Administrator"

Click on 'Update Value' and set '1' to the 'Value data' box.
Restart your Chrome Browser and try to update again.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Android: Update GUI field vlaue/display or show a message (toast) from Thread

Util Class


import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class ThreadUtils {
    public static Object context = null;
    private static Activity activity;
     * setCurrentActivity(this) in onStart()  on each activity 
     * setCurrentActivity(this) in onResume()  on each activity
     * setCurrentActivity(null) in onPause()  on each activity 
    public static void setCurrentActivity(Activity currentActivity) {
        activity = currentActivity;

    public static Activity currentActivity() {
        return activity;
    public static void message(final String message) {
        activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
             Toast.makeText((Context) context, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Example Usage

protected void onStart() {
    ThreadUtils.context = getBaseContext();

ThreadUtils.message("A message from thread, will normally fail!!!");

Java Implementation of String Next Sequence


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class JavaNextCharacter {
    public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
        List<String> codes = new ArrayList<String>();
        long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String s1 = "IjKl", s2 = "P.R.I.T.O.M", s3 = "{AB374}", s4 = "{ZZ}{U8U}", s5 = "Tp9";
        for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {            
            System.out.println(formatAsLength(("#" + (i + 1)), 10) + 
                    formatAsLength(s1, 7) + " " + 
                    formatAsLength(s2, 12) + " " + 
                    formatAsLength(s3, 10) + " " + 
                    formatAsLength(s4, 12) + " " + 
                    formatAsLength(s5, 10));
            if (codes.contains(s1)) {
                throw new Exception("Duplicate code#1: " + s1 + " after generating " + codes.size() + " codes");
            else if (codes.contains(s2)) {
                throw new Exception("Duplicate code#2: " + s2 + " after generating " + codes.size() + " codes");
            else if (codes.contains(s3)) {
                throw new Exception("Duplicate code#3: " + s3 + " after generating " + codes.size() + " codes");
            else if (codes.contains(s4)) {
                throw new Exception("Duplicate code#4: " + s4 + " after generating " + codes.size() + " codes");
            else if (codes.contains(s5)) {
                throw new Exception("Duplicate code#5: " + s5 + " after generating " + codes.size() + " codes");
            s1 = next(s1);
            s2 = next(s2);
            s3 = next(s3);
            s4 = next(s4);
            s5 = next(s5);
        System.out.println("Total time taken: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - started) + " milli to generate"
                + " " + codes.size() + " codes");
    public static String next(String text) {
        int len = text.length();
        if (len == 0) {
            return text;
        boolean alphaNum = false;
        int alphaNumPos = -1;
        for (char c : text.toCharArray()) {
            if (Character.isDigit(c) || Character.isLetter(c)) {
                alphaNum = true;
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(text);
        if (!alphaNum || alphaNumPos == 0 || alphaNumPos == len) {
            next(buf, buf.length() - 1, alphaNum);
        else {
            String prefix = text.substring(0, alphaNumPos);
            buf = new StringBuilder(text.substring(alphaNumPos));
            next(buf, buf.length() - 1, alphaNum);
            buf.insert(0, prefix);
        return buf.toString();
    private static void next(StringBuilder buf, int pos, boolean alphaNum) {
        if (pos == -1) {
            char c = buf.charAt(0);
            String rep = null;
            if (Character.isDigit(c))
                rep = "1";
            else if (Character.isLowerCase(c))
                rep = "a";
            else if (Character.isUpperCase(c))
                rep = "A";
                rep = Character.toString((char) (c + 1));
            buf.insert(0, rep);

        char c = buf.charAt(pos);
        if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
            if (c == '9') {
                buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, "0");
                next(buf, pos - 1, alphaNum);
            else {
                buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, Character.toString((char)(c + 1)));
        else if (Character.isLowerCase(c)) {
            if (c == 'z') {
                buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, "a");
                next(buf, pos - 1, alphaNum);
            else {
                buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, Character.toString((char)(c + 1)));
        else if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
            if (c == 'Z') {
                buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, "A");
                next(buf, pos - 1, alphaNum);
            else {
                buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, Character.toString((char)(c + 1)));
        else {
            if (alphaNum) {
                next(buf, pos - 1, alphaNum);
            else {
                if (c == Character.MAX_VALUE) {
                    buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, Character.toString(Character.MIN_VALUE));
                    next(buf, pos - 1, alphaNum);
                else {
                    buf.replace(pos, pos + 1, Character.toString((char)(c + 1)));
    public static String formatAsLength(String text, Integer minLength) {
        return String.format("%-" + minLength + "s", text);

#1        IjKl    P.R.I.T.O.M  {AB374}    {ZZ}{U8U}    Tp9       
#2        IjKm    P.R.I.T.O.N  {AB375}    {ZZ}{U8V}    Tq0       
#3        IjKn    P.R.I.T.O.O  {AB376}    {ZZ}{U8W}    Tq1       
#4        IjKo    P.R.I.T.O.P  {AB377}    {ZZ}{U8X}    Tq2       
#5        IjKp    P.R.I.T.O.Q  {AB378}    {ZZ}{U8Y}    Tq3       
#6        IjKq    P.R.I.T.O.R  {AB379}    {ZZ}{U8Z}    Tq4       
#7        IjKr    P.R.I.T.O.S  {AB380}    {ZZ}{U9A}    Tq5       
#8        IjKs    P.R.I.T.O.T  {AB381}    {ZZ}{U9B}    Tq6       
#9        IjKt    P.R.I.T.O.U  {AB382}    {ZZ}{U9C}    Tq7       
#10       IjKu    P.R.I.T.O.V  {AB383}    {ZZ}{U9D}    Tq8       
#11       IjKv    P.R.I.T.O.W  {AB384}    {ZZ}{U9E}    Tq9       
#12       IjKw    P.R.I.T.O.X  {AB385}    {ZZ}{U9F}    Tr0       
#13       IjKx    P.R.I.T.O.Y  {AB386}    {ZZ}{U9G}    Tr1       
#19918    JmWm    P.R.J.X.A.N  {AV291}    {AAC}{T4V}   CSf6      
#19919    JmWn    P.R.J.X.A.O  {AV292}    {AAC}{T4W}   CSf7      
#19920    JmWo    P.R.J.X.A.P  {AV293}    {AAC}{T4X}   CSf8      
#19921    JmWp    P.R.J.X.A.Q  {AV294}    {AAC}{T4Y}   CSf9      
#19922    JmWq    P.R.J.X.A.R  {AV295}    {AAC}{T4Z}   CSg0      
#19923    JmWr    P.R.J.X.A.S  {AV296}    {AAC}{T5A}   CSg1      
#19924    JmWs    P.R.J.X.A.T  {AV297}    {AAC}{T5B}   CSg2      
#19925    JmWt    P.R.J.X.A.U  {AV298}    {AAC}{T5C}   CSg3      
#19926    JmWu    P.R.J.X.A.V  {AV299}    {AAC}{T5D}   CSg4      
#19927    JmWv    P.R.J.X.A.W  {AV300}    {AAC}{T5E}   CSg5      
#19928    JmWw    P.R.J.X.A.X  {AV301}    {AAC}{T5F}   CSg6      
#19929    JmWx    P.R.J.X.A.Y  {AV302}    {AAC}{T5G}   CSg7      
#19930    JmWy    P.R.J.X.A.Z  {AV303}    {AAC}{T5H}   CSg8      
#19931    JmWz    P.R.J.X.B.A  {AV304}    {AAC}{T5I}   CSg9      
#19932    JmXa    P.R.J.X.B.B  {AV305}    {AAC}{T5J}   CSh0      
#19933    JmXb    P.R.J.X.B.C  {AV306}    {AAC}{T5K}   CSh1      
#19934    JmXc    P.R.J.X.B.D  {AV307}    {AAC}{T5L}   CSh2      
#19935    JmXd    P.R.J.X.B.E  {AV308}    {AAC}{T5M}   CSh3      
#19936    JmXe    P.R.J.X.B.F  {AV309}    {AAC}{T5N}   CSh4      
#19937    JmXf    P.R.J.X.B.G  {AV310}    {AAC}{T5O}   CSh5      
#19938    JmXg    P.R.J.X.B.H  {AV311}    {AAC}{T5P}   CSh6      
#19939    JmXh    P.R.J.X.B.I  {AV312}    {AAC}{T5Q}   CSh7      
#19940    JmXi    P.R.J.X.B.J  {AV313}    {AAC}{T5R}   CSh8      
#19941    JmXj    P.R.J.X.B.K  {AV314}    {AAC}{T5S}   CSh9      
#19942    JmXk    P.R.J.X.B.L  {AV315}    {AAC}{T5T}   CSi0      
#19943    JmXl    P.R.J.X.B.M  {AV316}    {AAC}{T5U}   CSi1      
#19944    JmXm    P.R.J.X.B.N  {AV317}    {AAC}{T5V}   CSi2      
#19945    JmXn    P.R.J.X.B.O  {AV318}    {AAC}{T5W}   CSi3      
#19946    JmXo    P.R.J.X.B.P  {AV319}    {AAC}{T5X}   CSi4      
#19947    JmXp    P.R.J.X.B.Q  {AV320}    {AAC}{T5Y}   CSi5      
#19948    JmXq    P.R.J.X.B.R  {AV321}    {AAC}{T5Z}   CSi6      
#19949    JmXr    P.R.J.X.B.S  {AV322}    {AAC}{T6A}   CSi7      
#19950    JmXs    P.R.J.X.B.T  {AV323}    {AAC}{T6B}   CSi8      
#19951    JmXt    P.R.J.X.B.U  {AV324}    {AAC}{T6C}   CSi9      
#19952    JmXu    P.R.J.X.B.V  {AV325}    {AAC}{T6D}   CSj0      
#19953    JmXv    P.R.J.X.B.W  {AV326}    {AAC}{T6E}   CSj1      
#19954    JmXw    P.R.J.X.B.X  {AV327}    {AAC}{T6F}   CSj2      
#19955    JmXx    P.R.J.X.B.Y  {AV328}    {AAC}{T6G}   CSj3      
#19956    JmXy    P.R.J.X.B.Z  {AV329}    {AAC}{T6H}   CSj4      
#19957    JmXz    P.R.J.X.C.A  {AV330}    {AAC}{T6I}   CSj5      
#19958    JmYa    P.R.J.X.C.B  {AV331}    {AAC}{T6J}   CSj6      
#19959    JmYb    P.R.J.X.C.C  {AV332}    {AAC}{T6K}   CSj7      
#19960    JmYc    P.R.J.X.C.D  {AV333}    {AAC}{T6L}   CSj8      
#19961    JmYd    P.R.J.X.C.E  {AV334}    {AAC}{T6M}   CSj9      
#19962    JmYe    P.R.J.X.C.F  {AV335}    {AAC}{T6N}   CSk0      
#19963    JmYf    P.R.J.X.C.G  {AV336}    {AAC}{T6O}   CSk1      
#19964    JmYg    P.R.J.X.C.H  {AV337}    {AAC}{T6P}   CSk2      
#19965    JmYh    P.R.J.X.C.I  {AV338}    {AAC}{T6Q}   CSk3      
#19966    JmYi    P.R.J.X.C.J  {AV339}    {AAC}{T6R}   CSk4      
#19967    JmYj    P.R.J.X.C.K  {AV340}    {AAC}{T6S}   CSk5      
#19968    JmYk    P.R.J.X.C.L  {AV341}    {AAC}{T6T}   CSk6      
#19969    JmYl    P.R.J.X.C.M  {AV342}    {AAC}{T6U}   CSk7      
#19970    JmYm    P.R.J.X.C.N  {AV343}    {AAC}{T6V}   CSk8      
#19971    JmYn    P.R.J.X.C.O  {AV344}    {AAC}{T6W}   CSk9      
#19972    JmYo    P.R.J.X.C.P  {AV345}    {AAC}{T6X}   CSl0      
#19973    JmYp    P.R.J.X.C.Q  {AV346}    {AAC}{T6Y}   CSl1      
#19974    JmYq    P.R.J.X.C.R  {AV347}    {AAC}{T6Z}   CSl2      
#19975    JmYr    P.R.J.X.C.S  {AV348}    {AAC}{T7A}   CSl3      
#19976    JmYs    P.R.J.X.C.T  {AV349}    {AAC}{T7B}   CSl4      
#19977    JmYt    P.R.J.X.C.U  {AV350}    {AAC}{T7C}   CSl5      
#19978    JmYu    P.R.J.X.C.V  {AV351}    {AAC}{T7D}   CSl6      
#19979    JmYv    P.R.J.X.C.W  {AV352}    {AAC}{T7E}   CSl7      
#19980    JmYw    P.R.J.X.C.X  {AV353}    {AAC}{T7F}   CSl8      
#19981    JmYx    P.R.J.X.C.Y  {AV354}    {AAC}{T7G}   CSl9      
#19982    JmYy    P.R.J.X.C.Z  {AV355}    {AAC}{T7H}   CSm0      
#19983    JmYz    P.R.J.X.D.A  {AV356}    {AAC}{T7I}   CSm1      
#19984    JmZa    P.R.J.X.D.B  {AV357}    {AAC}{T7J}   CSm2      
#19985    JmZb    P.R.J.X.D.C  {AV358}    {AAC}{T7K}   CSm3      
#19986    JmZc    P.R.J.X.D.D  {AV359}    {AAC}{T7L}   CSm4      
#19987    JmZd    P.R.J.X.D.E  {AV360}    {AAC}{T7M}   CSm5      
#19988    JmZe    P.R.J.X.D.F  {AV361}    {AAC}{T7N}   CSm6      
#19989    JmZf    P.R.J.X.D.G  {AV362}    {AAC}{T7O}   CSm7      
#19990    JmZg    P.R.J.X.D.H  {AV363}    {AAC}{T7P}   CSm8      
#19991    JmZh    P.R.J.X.D.I  {AV364}    {AAC}{T7Q}   CSm9      
#19992    JmZi    P.R.J.X.D.J  {AV365}    {AAC}{T7R}   CSn0      
#19993    JmZj    P.R.J.X.D.K  {AV366}    {AAC}{T7S}   CSn1      
#19994    JmZk    P.R.J.X.D.L  {AV367}    {AAC}{T7T}   CSn2      
#19995    JmZl    P.R.J.X.D.M  {AV368}    {AAC}{T7U}   CSn3      
#19996    JmZm    P.R.J.X.D.N  {AV369}    {AAC}{T7V}   CSn4      
#19997    JmZn    P.R.J.X.D.O  {AV370}    {AAC}{T7W}   CSn5      
#19998    JmZo    P.R.J.X.D.P  {AV371}    {AAC}{T7X}   CSn6      
#19999    JmZp    P.R.J.X.D.Q  {AV372}    {AAC}{T7Y}   CSn7      
#20000    JmZq    P.R.J.X.D.R  {AV373}    {AAC}{T7Z}   CSn8      
Total time taken: 74740 milli to generate 100000 codes

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Validate URL Using Java & Regex

class UrlValidator {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        check(" / 3");

    public static void check(String url) {
        String Regex = "^(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]";

        Boolean matches = url.matches(Regex);

        if(matches) {
            System.out.println("URL (YES): " + url);
        else {
            System.out.println("URL (NOT): " + url);

URL (NOT): / 3