
Friday, March 28, 2014

Using php get GMT time by changing server timezone

$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
echo "Current server timezone: " . $timezone;
echo "<br/>Current server time: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Create/edit crn for nab transact

* crn is the key of the token payment system of NAB transact.
* It must be a unique key against one account.
* And must be less than 20 characters length.
* Can contains a-z, A-Z, 0-9, space, underscore.
* To edit existing customer in NAB account, please 
* find the block '<actionType>addcrn</actionType>' in xml below
* and replace 'addcrn' with 'editcrn' and please provide 
* a valid crn existing against provided merchant account.

/* TEST PASSWORD=abcd1234 */
/* Replace this parameters when using in real transaction */
$nabXml = "<NABTransactMessage>
        <PeriodicList count='1'>
            <PeriodicItem ID='1'>
/* LIVE URL= */
$result = makeCurlCall(
    "", /* CURL URL */
    array( /* CURL HEADERS */
        "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8",
        "Accept: text/xml",
        "Pragma: no-cache",
        "Content_length: ".strlen(trim($nabXml))
    null, /* CURL GET PARAMETERS */
header('Content-type: text/xml');
echo $result["response"];
function makeCurlCall($url, $method = "GET", $headers = null, $gets = null, $posts = null) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    if($gets != null)
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

    if($posts != null)
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $posts);
    if($method == "POST") {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    } else if($method == "PUT") {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
    } else if($method == "HEAD") {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
    if($headers != null && is_array($headers))
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    $code = curl_getinfo($ch,CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

    return array(
        "code" => $code,
        "response" => $response

And valid output would be like this:

        <PeriodicList count="1">
            <PeriodicItem ID="1">

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Create view and update environment variables in windows os

## Create environment variable

## Update environment variable
set EV1=%EV1%;ARJUN

## View environment variable
echo %EV1%
Example usage:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Overloading or Extending standard GORM CRUD methods

class BootStrap {
    def grailsApplication;

    def init = { servletContext ->
        grailsApplication.domainClasses.each {
            def domainClass = it;

            def savem = domainClass.metaClass.getMetaMethod("save");
   = {
                // do your before save work here...
                def ins = savem.invoke(delegate);
                // do your after save work here...
                return ins;

            def savem2 = domainClass.metaClass.getMetaMethod("save", Map);
   = { Map paramMap ->
                // do your before save work here...
                def ins = savem2.invoke(delegate, paramMap);
                // do your after save work here...
                return ins;

            def deletem = domainClass.metaClass.getMetaMethod("delete");
            domainClass.metaClass.delete = {
                // do your before delete work here...
                def ins = deletem.invoke(delegate);
                // do your after delete work here...
                return ins;

            def deletem2 = domainClass.metaClass.getMetaMethod("delete", Map);
            domainClass.metaClass.delete = { Map paramMap ->
                // do your before delete work here...
                def ins = deletem2.invoke(delegate, paramMap);
                // do your after delete work here...
                return ins;
    def destroy = {


jQuery get browser and os details

$(document).ready(function () {
    $.browserTest = function (userAgent, z) {
        var u = 'unknown', x = 'X';
        var getBrowserName = function (userAgent, userAgents) {
            for (var i = 0; i < userAgents.length; i = i + 1) {
                userAgent = userAgent.replace(userAgents[i][0], userAgents[i][1]);
            return userAgent;
        var getBrowserDetails = function (userAgent, browserNameRegex, layouts, browserVersionRegex) {
            var r = {
                name: getBrowserName((browserNameRegex.exec(userAgent) || [u, u])[1], layouts)
            r[] = true;
            r.version = (browserVersionRegex.exec(userAgent) || [x, x, x, x])[3];
            if ( && r.version > 400) {
                r.version = '2.0';
            if ( === 'presto') {
                r.version = ($.browser.version > 9.27) ? 'futhark' : 'linear_b';
            r.versionNumber = parseFloat(r.version, 10) || 0;
            r.versionX = (r.version !== x) ? (r.version + '').substr(0, 1) : x;
            r.className = + r.versionX;
            return r;
        userAgent = (userAgent.match(/Opera|Navigator|Minefield|KHTML|Chrome/) ? getBrowserName(userAgent, [
            [/(Firefox|MSIE|KHTML,\slike\sGecko|Konqueror)/, ''],
            ['Chrome Safari', 'Chrome'],
            ['KHTML', 'Konqueror'],
            ['Minefield', 'Firefox'],
            ['Navigator', 'Netscape']
        ]) : userAgent).toLowerCase();

        $.browser = getBrowserDetails(userAgent, /(camino|chrome|firefox|netscape|konqueror|lynx|msie|opera|safari)/, [], /(camino|chrome|firefox|netscape|netscape6|opera|version|konqueror|lynx|msie|safari)(\/|\s)([a-z0-9\.\+]*?)(\;|dev|rel|\s|$)/);

        $.layout = getBrowserDetails(userAgent, /(gecko|konqueror|msie|opera|webkit)/, [
            ['konqueror', 'khtml'],
            ['msie', 'trident'],
            ['opera', 'presto']
        ], /(applewebkit|rv|konqueror|msie)(\:|\/|\s)([a-z0-9\.]*?)(\;|\)|\s)/);

        $.os = {
            name: (/(win|mac|linux|sunos|solaris|iphone)/.exec(navigator.platform.toLowerCase()) || [u])[0].replace('sunos', 'solaris')

Native Fullscreen JavaScript/jQuery API

My name pritom

jQuery code

$(document).ready(function () {
    var fullScreenCheck = $("div#main-body").checkFullScreen();
    if (fullScreenCheck.enter && fullScreenCheck.exit && fullScreenCheck.fullscreen && fullScreenCheck.change && fullScreenCheck.error) {
        $(document).bind(fullScreenCheck.change, fullScreenChangeHandler);
        $(document).bind(fullScreenCheck.error, fullScreenErrorHandler);
        $(".fsmode").html("Full screen would work...");
        $("div#main-body .fullscreen").click(function () {
            if(document[fullScreenCheck.fullscreen]) {
                console.log("Going to normal screen...");
            } else {
                console.log("Going to full screen...");
        $("div#main-body").click(function () {
        $(document).bind("fullscreenchange", function() {
            if (document[fullScreenCheck.fullscreen]) {
                $(".fsmode").html("Window is now full screen...");
            } else {
                $(".fsmode").html("Window is now normal screen...");
    } else {
        $(".fsmode").html("Full screen would not work...");
        $("div#main-body .fullscreen").remove();

    function fullScreenChangeHandler(event) {
        $(document).trigger(new $.Event("fullscreenchange"));

    function fullScreenErrorHandler(event) {

jQuery.fn.checkFullScreen = function () {
    var enter, exit, fullscreen
// support for entering fullscreen
    var dom = document.createElement('div');
    if ('requestFullscreen' in dom) {
        enter = 'requestFullscreen' // W3C proposal
    } else if ('requestFullScreen' in dom) {
        enter = 'requestFullScreen' // mozilla proposal
    } else if ('webkitRequestFullScreen' in dom) {
        enter = 'webkitRequestFullScreen' // webkit
    } else if ('mozRequestFullScreen' in dom) {
        enter = 'mozRequestFullScreen' // firefox
    } else if ('msRequestFullscreen' in dom) {
        enter = 'msRequestFullscreen' // ms
    } else {
        enter = null // not supported in this browser
// support for exiting fullscreen
    if ('exitFullscreen' in document) {
        exit = 'exitFullscreen' // W3C proposal
    } else if ('cancelFullScreen' in document) {
        exit = 'cancelFullScreen' // mozilla proposal
    } else if ('webkitCancelFullScreen' in document) {
        exit = 'webkitCancelFullScreen' // webkit
    } else if ('mozCancelFullScreen' in document) {
        exit = 'mozCancelFullScreen' // firefox
    } else if ('msExitFullscreen' in document) {
        exit = 'msExitFullscreen' // ms
    } else {
        exit = null // not supported in this browser
// support for detecting when in fullscreen
    if ('fullscreen' in document) {
        fullscreen = 'fullscreen' // W3C proposal
    } else if ('fullScreen' in document) {
        fullscreen = 'fullScreen' // mozilla proposal
    } else if ('webkitIsFullScreen' in document) {
        fullscreen = 'webkitIsFullScreen' // webkit
    } else if ('mozFullScreen' in document) {
        fullscreen = 'mozFullScreen' // firefox
    } else if ('msFullscreenElement' in document) {
        fullscreen = 'msFullscreenElement' // ms
    } else {
        fullscreen = null // not supported in this browser

    if (document["webkitCancelFullScreen"]) {
        change = "webkitfullscreenchange";
        error = "webkitfullscreenerror";
    } else if (document["msExitFullscreen"]) {
        change = "MSFullscreenChange";
        error = "MSFullscreenError";
    } else if (document["mozCancelFullScreen"]) {
        change = "mozfullscreenchange";
        error = "mozfullscreenerror";
    } else {
        change = "fullscreenchange";
        error = "fullscreenerror";

    return {
        enter: enter,
        exit: exit,
        fullscreen: fullscreen,
        change: change,
        error: error

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Use transients domain attributes with Grails

In latest versions of Grails, transient attributes are not binded with form by default. This is the documentation of the bindable constraint. This is how the code would become (you need to add bindable: true):

static transients = ['confirmarPassword'] 
static constraints = {
    password blank: false, password: true, size:5..15, matches:/[\S]+/
    confirmarPassword bindable: true, blank:false, password: true, size:5..15, matches:/[\S]+/, validator:{ val, obj ->
        if (obj.password != obj.confirmarPassword)
            return 'password.dontmatch'

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Html element content change event

You could add some custom event to see effect change of the content of the element:
You can see this example here at jsFiddle: Html element content change event 

Html content

        <td valign="top">
           <button id="html">Click to see change 'html'.</button><br/>
           <button id="append">Click to see change 'append'.</button><br/>
           <button id="prepend">Click to see change 'prepend'.</button><br/>
           <div id="hello">This is text!</div>
        <td valign="top">
            <div id="console"></div>

jQuery content

// Redefines $.fn.html(), $.fn.append(), $.fn.prepend() to add custom events that are triggered before and after a DOM element's innerHtml is changed
// html-change-pre is triggered before the innerHtml is changed
// html-change-post is triggered after the innerHtml is changed

(function($) {
    var eventName = 'html-change';
    // Save a reference to the original html, append and prepend function
    $.fn.htmlx = $.fn.html;
    $.fn.appendx = $.fn.append;
    $.fn.prependx = $.fn.prepend;
    // Let's redefine the html, append and prepend function to include a custom event
    $.fn.html = function() {
        var currentHtml = this.htmlx();
        if(arguments.length) {
            this.trigger(eventName + '-pre', jQuery.merge([currentHtml], arguments));
            jQuery.fn.htmlx.apply(this, arguments);
            this.trigger(eventName + '-post', jQuery.merge([currentHtml], arguments));
            return this;
        } else {
            return currentHtml;
    $.fn.append = function() {
        var currentHtml = this.htmlx();
        if(arguments.length) {
            this.trigger(eventName + '-pre', jQuery.merge([currentHtml], arguments));
            jQuery.fn.appendx.apply(this, arguments);
            this.trigger(eventName + '-post', jQuery.merge([currentHtml], arguments));
            return this;
        } else {
            return currentHtml;
    $.fn.prepend = function() {
        var currentHtml = this.htmlx();
        if(arguments.length) {
            this.trigger(eventName + '-pre', jQuery.merge([currentHtml], arguments));
            jQuery.fn.prependx.apply(this, arguments);
            this.trigger(eventName + '-post', jQuery.merge([currentHtml], arguments));
            return this;
        } else {
            return currentHtml;
// Test
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

    jQuery('#hello').bind('html-change-pre', function() {
        $("#console").prepend('<div>html-change-pre triggered: '+counter+'</div>');
    jQuery('#hello').bind('html-change-post', function() {
        $("#console").prepend('<div>html-change-post triggered: '+counter+'</div>');
    var counter = 0;
    $("#html").click(function() {
        $("div#hello").html("<div>html: "+counter+"</div>");
    $("#prepend").click(function() {
        $("div#hello").prepend("<div>prepend: "+counter+"</div>");
    $("#append").click(function() {
        $("div#hello").append("<div>append: "+counter+"</div>");

Example output at jsFiddle:

jQuery remove and restore element events

jsFiddle Link

function toggleEvent(id) {
    var target = $(id);
    var events = $._data(target[0], 'events');
    if(events!=undefined){    //  if the element has event || target = element
        target[0].event_name = [];
        target[0].event_handler = [];        
        $.each(events, function(event_name, event_handler) {
            var _handlers=[];
            for(var i=0;i<event_handler.length;i++){
        });  //store the events;  // delete the events
    }else{    // has the elment no event
        for(var i=0; i < target[0].event_handler.length; i++){
            for(var ii=0;ii<target[0].event_handler[i].length;ii++){
                target.on(target[0].event_name[i], target[0].event_handler[i][ii]);
        }  // re-store the events
        target[0].event_name = [];
        target[0].event_handler = [];  //reset

$("#a").click(function() {
    alert("Event in action");

var eventInAction = true;
    if(eventInAction) {
        eventInAction = false;
        $(this).html("Add events to button 'A'");
    } else {
        eventInAction = true;
        $(this).html("Remove events from button 'A'");